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7760 Treffer für "Philosophy of the social sciences"
Suchergebnis | Haupt Buchhandlung
Titel A-Z
Titel Z-A
Preis aufsteigend
Preis absteigend
Beste Ergebnisse
Anness Publishing (2)
Atlantic Books (14)
Atlantis Press (1)
Automatic Press / VIP (1)
Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag Gabler (1)
Bloomsbury (103)
Bloomsbury Academic (166)
Bonnier Zaffre (5)
BookSource (17)
British Library (1)
Cambridge Academic (554)
Cambridge University Press (15)
Canongate (4)
Columbia University Press (2)
Creative Media Partners, LLC (3)
De Gruyter (15)
de Gruyter Mouton (3)
Dorling Kindersley (1)
Durnell (12)
Econ (1)
Elsevier (7)
Europa Editions (1)
Faber & Faber (8)
Franz Steiner Verlag (3)
Granta Books (3)
Grin Verlag (1)
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Harper Collins (121)
Harper Collins (US) (61)
Harper Collins Germany (1)
Harrassowitz Verlag (2)
Hay House Publishing (2)
Head of Zeus (1)
Headline Book (2)
Hodder & Stoughton (5)
Houghton Mifflin Company (6)
Hurst Publishers (1)
I.B. Tauris (10)
Icon Books (5)
Ingram Publishers Services (298)
John Murray (5)
John Wiley and Sons Ltd (4)
Kessinger Publishing, LLC (3)
Kings Road Publishing (2)
Kogan Page Ltd (4)
Legend Press (2)
Little, Brown and Company (21)
Metzler-Pöschel (2)
MIT Press (34)
Nova Science Publishers Inc (3)
O'Mara M. (2)
Octopus Books (6)
Oneworld Publications (8)
Orion (3)
Outlook (2)
Oxford Academic (633)
Oxford University Press (15)
Palgrave Macmillan UK (19)
Palgrave Macmillan US (19)
Pan macmillan Ltd. (27)
Penguin Books (73)
Peter Lang (19)
Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (14)
Peter Lang Publishing Inc. New York (4)
Profile Books (7)
Pushkin Press (4)
Quercus (5)
Random House N.Y. (14)
Random House UK (90)
Reaktion Books (5)
Routledge (10)
Rowman & Littlefield (138)
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (4)
Sage Publications (8)
Scribe (14)
Simon & Schuster N.Y. (4)
Simon & Schuster UK (8)
Springer (4)
Springer Berlin (5)
Springer International Publishing (170)
Springer Nature EN (1225)
Springer Netherland (83)
Springer Netherlands (10)
Springer Singapore (7)
Springer US (5)
Taylor & Francis (3)
Taylor and Francis (2658)
Thames and Hudson (4)
The School of Life (E) (14)
Transcript (34)
transcript (3)
tredition (3)
Turnaround (7)
UK Books (2)
University Presses (707)
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaft (3)
W. W. Norton & Company (17)
Wiley (69)
Yen Press (3)
Zed Books (3)
Box (2)
Gebunden (4375)
Kartoniert / Broschiert (3501)
Kassette / Medienmix z.B. Audio und Buch (8)
Unbekannt (8)
A. Ferri, Beth Connor David J. A. Annamma, Subini (2)
A. Lloyd, Elisabeth Winsberg, Eric (2)
Aaltola Elisa Hadley John (2)
Abergel, Frédéric Aoyama, Hideaki Chakrabarti, Bikas K. Chakraborti, Anirban Ghosh, Asim (4)
Adams, John Barmby Patrick Mesoudi Alex (2)
Agarin Timofey (2)
Aikin Scott F. Talisse Robert B. (2)
Al-Amoudi, Ismael Lazega Emmanuel (2)
Alexandre-Collier, Agnès Schnapper Pauline Usherwood Simon (2)
Allen, Garland E. MacLeod, Roy M. (2)
Allhoff Fritz (2)
Andersen, Hanne Dieks, Dennis Gonzalez, Wenceslao J. Uebel, Thomas Wheeler, Gregory (2)
Anderson Scott A. Nussbaum Martha C. (2)
Andrews Kehinde Crenshaw, Kimberlé Wilson Annabel (2)
Anstey Peter R. (2)
Anteliz, Emilio A. Mulligan, Deborah L. Danaher, Patrick Alan (2)
Apaloo, Joseph Viscolani, Bruno (2)
Atanasoski Neda Vora, Kalindi (2)
Attoe, Aribiah D. (2)
Auestad, Lene Treacher Kabesh, Amal (2)
Austin, Christopher J. Marmodoro Anna Roselli, Andrea (2)
Babich, Babette Ginev, Dimitri (3)
Backhouse, Roger E. Fontaine Philippe (2)
Baghramian Maria (2)
Bansal, Garima Ramnarain, Umesh (2)
Bar-Am, Nimrod Gattei, Stefano (4)
Baranzini Roberto Besomi Daniele (2)
Barbero Silvia Timpe Axel (2)
Barcus, Holly R. Moseley William G. (2)
Barfield Woodrow (2)
Barker, Gillian Desjardins, Eric Pearce, Trevor (3)
Barnett, Dana Karsh Efraim (2)
BARTOCCI, CLAUDIO Betti, Renato Guerraggio, Angelo Lucchetti, Roberto (2)
Bartscherer Thomas Coover Roderick (2)
Basu, Deepankar Das, Debarshi (2)
Baumgartner, Jody C Newman Bruce I. (2)
Bedwell, Randall J. (4)
Bek-Thomsen, Jakob Christiansen, Christian Olaf Gaarsmand Jacobsen, Stefan Thorup, Mikkel (2)
Bengtsen, Søren S.E. Barnett, Ronald (2)
Bergès, Sandrine Schliesser Eric (2)
Bergé, Jean-Sylvestre (2)
Bernhard, Michael Kreppel Amie de la Torre, Carlos (2)
Bertolaso, Marta Sterpetti, Fabio (2)
Berzina-Cerenkova, Una Aleksandra (2)
Bezemek, Christoph Ladavac, Nicoletta (2)
Bhattacharya, Nandan (2)
Biasiori, Lucio Mazzini, Federico Rabbiosi, Chiara (2)
Bickle John Craver Carl F. Barwich, Ann-Sophie (2)
Bielskis, Andrius (2)
Bischi, Gian Italo Chiarella, Carl Gardini, Laura (2)
Blander, Dana (2)
Bodenmann, Siegfried Rey, Anne-Lise (2)
Boettke Peter J. Herzberg, Bobbi Kogelmann, Brian (2)
Boettke Peter J. Lemke, Jayme Storr, Virgil Henry (2)
Bonnet, Alma-Pierre Kilty, Raphaële (2)
Bouckaert, Luk Ims, Knut J. Rona, Peter (2)
Boudry Maarten Pigliucci Massimo (2)
Bretelle-Establet, Florence (3)
Brinkworth, Martin Weinert, Friedel (4)
Bronner, Gérald Di Iorio, Francesco (3)
Bulle, Nathalie Di Iorio, Francesco (4)
Calcagno, Antonio (3)
Caranti Luigi Pinzani Alessandro (6)
Christian, Alexander Hommen, David Retzlaff, Nina Schurz, Gerhard (3)
Cockell, Charles S. (4)
Cohen, Robert S. Helling, Ingeborg K. (3)
Cohen, Robert S. Wartofsky, Marx W. (3)
Depaepe, Marc (6)
Devlin, William J. Bokulich, Alisa (4)
Embree, Lester (3)
Franck, Robert (3)
Freudenthal, Gideon McLaughlin, Peter (3)
Freudenthal, Hans (4)
Galavotti, Maria Carla Dieks, Dennis Gonzalez, Wenceslao J. Hartmann, Stephan Uebel, Thomas Weber, Marcel (3)
Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft e.V. (3)
Glick, T.F Puig-Samper, Miguel Angel Ruiz, R. (4)
Hecken, Thomas Baßler, Moritz Beregow, Elena Curtis, Robin Drügh, Heinz Jacobs, Mascha Kohout, Annekathrin Pethes, Nicolas Zeh, Miriam (5)
Herzig, Andreas Lorini, Emiliano (3)
Hipólito, Inês Gonçalves, Jorge G. Pereira, João (4)
Holloway Carson Wilson, Bradford P. (3)
International Panel on Social Progress (IPSP) (3)
Jarvie, I.C. Laor, N. (3)
Lebow, Richard Ned (4)
Link, Arthur Stanley Little J. E. (3)
Martini, Alice da Silva, Raquel (4)
Massimi, Michela Romeijn, Jan-Willem Schurz, Gerhard (4)
Mäki, Uskali Votsis, Ioannis Ruphy, Stéphanie Schurz, Gerhard (3)
Padovani, Flavia Richardson, Alan Tsou, Jonathan Y. (3)
Parusniková, Zuzana Cohen, Robert S. (3)
Raven, D. Krohn, W. Cohen, Robert S. (4)
Resch, Michael M. Kaminski, Andreas Gehring, Petra (3)
Ro'i Yaacov Freundlich, Yehoshua Morozov Boris (4)
Ros Velasco, Josefa (3)
Sassower, Raphael Laor, Nathaniel (3)
Smeyers, Paul Depaepe, Marc (5)
Taylor Paul (4)
Thompson, Michael J. (3)
Tremmel, Joerg (3)
Tymieniecka, Anna-Teresa (4)
Valsiner, Jaan (4)
Abbinnett, Ross (3)
Adair-Toteff Christopher (3)
Adorno, Theodor W. (3)
Allen Amy (3)
Baggini Julian (3)
Ball Philip (3)
Bano, Masooda (3)
Bardon Adrian (3)
Beckman Ludvig (3)
Beiser, Frederick C. (3)
Benhabib Seyla (4)
Bhaskar Roy (3)
Blackford Russell (3)
Bray, Charles (8)
Butler, Judith (6)
Carchedi Guglielmo (5)
Caterino, Brian (4)
Chalmers David J. (3)
Cherry, Lisa (3)
Chomsky, Noam (4)
Christodoulidis, Emilios (4)
Coeckelbergh Mark (3)
Cristianini Nello (3)
Critchlow, Hannah (3)
Cudworth, E. (3)
Currie, Adrian (3)
Darwin, Charles (5)
Dawkins, Richard (4)
Delimata, Natalie (3)
Di Iorio, Francesco (3)
Dixon Chris (3)
Dunt Ian Lynskey Dorian (3)
Eklöf, Johan (3)
Elden, Stuart (4)
Elder-Vass Dave (3)
Elster Jon (5)
Embree, Lester (3)
Flanagan Owen (3)
Foucault, Michel (4)
Gardner, D.E.M. (4)
Gaukroger Stephen (3)
Ginev, Dimitri (4)
Goldthorpe John H. (4)
Gooding-Williams Robert (3)
Graf, Gunter Schweiger, Gottfried (3)
Grayling A. C. (5)
Gutfreund Hanoch Renn, Jürgen (3)
Hall Edward (3)
Hamel-Akré, Jessica (3)
Hoevel, Carlos (4)
Ihde Don (4)
Jahanbegloo Ramin (7)
Joshua, John (6)
Junger Sebastian (3)
Kishtainy Niall (3)
Klempe, Sven Hroar (3)
Kowarsch, Martin (4)
Kristeva, Julia (3)
Laski, Harold J. (5)
Lekka, Vasia (3)
Leschziner, Guy (3)
Little, Daniel (7)
Mari, Luca Wilson, Mark Maul, Andrew (3)
Marsh Henry (3)
Matthes, Erich Hatala (3)
McCain, Kevin (3)
McKenzie, Germán (3)
Michalos, Alex C. (5)
Mounk, Yascha (3)
Murphy, Peter (3)
Nicholas, Lucy (4)
Nomani, Asra (4)
O'Connor, Cailin (4)
Ohana David (3)
Olah, Nathalie (3)
Pangle Thomas L. (5)
Pirsig, Robert M. (3)
Plato (3)
Ramakrishnan, Venki (3)
Restivo Sal (3)
Rosa, Hartmut (4)
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (3)
Rowbottom Darrell P. (3)
Ruse Michael (3)
Sacks, Jonathan (3)
Sapolsky, Robert M (4)
Serres Michel (4)
Sharpe Alex (3)
Shelby Tommie (3)
Smeyers, Paul (6)
Staley Kent W. (4)
Steinhoff Uwe (4)
The School of Life (13)
Tuckett, Jonathan (4)
Wagenknecht, Susann (4)
Warr, Jason (4)
Wilson, Woodrow (4)
Zagorin Perez (4)
Zalloua Zahi (6)
Zilsel, P. (4)
2010 (8)
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Social Philosophy of Science for the Social Sciences
107,00 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Social Philosophy of Science for the Social Sciences
107,00 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Philosophy of Science
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Philosophy of Science
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Modelling and Simulation in the Social Sciences from the Philosophy of Science Point of View
160,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Modelling and Simulation in the Social Sciences from the Philosophy of Science Point of View
160,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
The Concept and the Role of the Model in Mathematics and Natural and Social Sciences
160,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
The Concept and the Role of the Model in Mathematics and Natural and Social Sciences
160,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Science, Politics and Social Practice
160,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Science, Politics and Social Practice
160,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Theories of Alienation
53,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Realism in Action
107,00 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Realism in Action
107,00 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Law and Logic – Making Legal Science a Genuine Science
49,00 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Philosophy of Science for Scientists
61,00 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Rethinking the Individualism-Holism Debate
139,10 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Rethinking the Individualism-Holism Debate
139,10 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
The Rise of the Social Sciences and the Formation of Modernity
160,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
The Rise of the Social Sciences and the Formation of Modernity
160,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Sociology, Science, and the End of Philosophy
117,70 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Sociology, Science, and the End of Philosophy
117,70 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
The Present Situation in the Philosophy of Science
160,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
The Present Situation in the Philosophy of Science
160,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Epistemology of the Human Sciences
139,10 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
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