Zwischen Tugend und Laster
The present study is the first to examine in detail a representative corpus of the tragedi and comedi with female protagonists written by the Nuremberg author Hans Sachs. On the basis of a precise reconstruction of the intertextual frame of reference of each of the plays, taking into account both the enormously diverse literary sources and Sachs’ own topically related poems in the form of master songs and narrative poems, the author’s dramaturgical methods are explored more precisely. The "serious" drama in particular turns out to be a formidable virtual arena for exhibiting creative female attributes and the female potential for action, bringing out frequently subliminal contradictions to the normative claim to validity of the attached moral instruction. Conversely, in other cases, the moral message also ties in with the literary discourse, for example by tracing female vices back to male misconduct. Seen as a whole, the author's attempt to negotiate new, more reciprocally conceived ways of dealing with the sexes within the framework of the Lutheran-patriarchal marriage model and the socio-political order that it supports becomes apparent.
The present study is the first to examine in detail a representative corpus of the tragedi and comedi with female protagonists written by the Nuremberg author Hans Sachs. On the basis of a precise reconstruction of the intertextual frame of reference of each of the plays, taking into account both the enormously diverse literary sources and Sachs’ own topically related poems in the form of master songs and narrative poems, the author’s dramaturgical methods are explored more precisely. The "serious" drama in particular turns out to be a formidable virtual arena for exhibiting creative female attributes and the female potential for action, bringing out frequently subliminal contradictions to the normative claim to validity of the attached moral instruction. Conversely, in other cases, the moral message also ties in with the literary discourse, for example by tracing female vices back to male misconduct. Seen as a whole, the author's attempt to negotiate new, more reciprocally conceived ways of dealing with the sexes within the framework of the Lutheran-patriarchal marriage model and the socio-political order that it supports becomes apparent. Die Studie untersucht erstmals ausführlich eine repräsentative Auswahl an tragedi und comedi des Hans Sachs mit weiblichen Protagonistinnen. Anhand einer sorgfältigen Rekonstruktion des intertextuellen Bezugsrahmens der Dramen, unter Berücksichtigung sowohl der enorm vielfältigen literarischen Quellen und Prätexte als auch Sachs’ eigener motiv- und stoffverwandter Dichtungen in Form von Meisterliedern und Spruchgedichten, werden das dramaturgische Instrumentarium des Autors präziser bestimmt sowie insbesondere auch das Verhältnis von Spiel und Lehre differenzierter ausgelotet. Gerade das „ernste“ Drama erweist sich als privilegierter Ort für die literarische Inszenierung kreativer weiblicher Zuschreibungen und Handlungspotenziale, die unterschwellig an vielen Stellen Widersprüche zum normativen Geltungsanspruch der angehängten moralischen Lehre provozieren. Umgekehrt trägt die Lehre in anderen Fällen aber auch den literarischen Diskurs mit, indem sie beispielsweise weibliche Laster an männliches Fehlverhalten zurückbindet. Insgesamt wird der Versuch des Autors erkennbar, innerhalb des lutherisch-patriarchalischen Ehemodells und des davon getragenen sozialpolitischen Ordnungsgefüges neue, stärker wechselseitig entworfene Umgangsweisen zwischen den Geschlechtern zu verhandeln.
Autor: | Sasse, Barbara |
ISBN: | 9783954904037 |
Sprache: | Deutsch |
Seitenzahl: | 416 |
Produktart: | Gebunden |
Verlag: | Reichert, L |
Veröffentlicht: | 31.08.2020 |
Untertitel: | Weibliche Rollenbilder in den Tragedi und Comedi des Hans Sachs |
Schlagworte: | Germanistik Geschichte Hans Sachs Kulturwissenschaft Literatur Literaturwissenschaft Mittelalter Sprachwissenschaft Weibliche Rollenbilder |
Barbara Sasse (*1960) studied German Filology and History at the Universities of Düsseldorf and Münster. She completed her studies in 1986 with the title of “Magister Artium” and received her doctorate (Dr. phil.) in 1989. From 1986 to 1990 she was a research assistant at the “Sonderforschungsbereich 231” (“Träger, Felder, Formen pragmatischer Schriftlichkeit im Mittelalter”) at Münster. Since 1990 she has been working at the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, first as a German lecturer. Since 1996 she taught German literature and actually, as an Associated Professor, German Language. Her research focuses on the literature and linguistic history of the late Middle Ages and early modern times, especially on the proceedings of literary reception and translation literature, the drama of the Reformation period, and the literary and scientific language communication forms of the early printing age.