While the Kettle Boils
While the Kettle Boils is a collection of 150 micro-fiction.
Once described in the writing world as a 'third space inhabitant', S.B. Borgersen, originally from England, writes, makes art, and loves gardening on the glorious shores of Nova Scotia, Canada.Sue's favoured genres are poetry, flash, and micro fiction. In addition to solo works, she is published internationally in anthologies, arts, and literary magazines. An extensive list of publications covering work of the past two decades can be found at www.sueborgersen.com.S.B. Borgersen is a member of Genre Writers of Atlantic Canada, The Society of Authors UK, and a volunteer reader for the Scottish Arts Trust writing awards.Collected Novellas is her 7th book to be published by Unsolicited Press, bringing together, within one cover, three of Sue's highly acclaimed novellas: Passport to Perdita, Eva Matson, and Fishermen's Fingers.