What is drama and how it is written: A Beginners guide
THE ORIGIN OF DRAMA Drama is a literary composition meant to be staged. The term ¿dramä is derived from the Greek word ¿dran¿ which means ¿to act¿.Aristotle¿s ¿Poetics¿ deals with dramatics. According to Aristotle, the aim of dramais to instruct and delight the spectators. He says that drama is an imitation of human action. A SHORT HISTORY OF ENGLISH DRAMA. In England, drama originated from the religious performances of the Middle Ages. Priests played the roles of characters and Plays were usually performed inside the church. The dialogue was in Latin. In due course, Latin was replaced by English and Performance began to be carried on outside the church. Gradually drama became popular. The plays produced by Trade Guilds on religious themes became popular as Mystery Plays and Miracle plays. Mysteries have themes from the Bible and the Miracles dealt with the lives of saints. Morality plays were plays in which the characters represented abstract qualities. Interludes were the kind of play within the play i.e. a comic script in common topic introduced in the midst of a serious play.
Apresentei-me como Comunicador da Geração Seguinte (GenX) equipado com todos os conhecimentos e avanços técnicos. Os meus primeiros anos durante os estudos em Electrónica e Comunicação reforçam a minha capacidade como comunicador depois, quando estudei os estudos dos Media em anos académicos posteriores. Espero que a combinação de perspectivas nos meios de comunicação social seja uma realidade.