What Grandmas Do Best What Grandpas Do Best
One side of this upside-down book celebrates all of the things grandmas do for their grandchildren. Turning the book over and around produces a similar celebration of grandpas. Full-color illustrations.
Laura Numeroff is the author of the best-selling modern classic If You Give a Mouse a Cookie and the popular What Mommies Do Best and its sequels. She lives in Los Angeles, California.
Grandmas can do lots of things, like paint with you, take you on a picnic, and teach you how to dance. But what do they do best? The answer is made perfectly clear in this Irresistible celebration of grandparents and the everyday things they do. Grandpas can do lots of things, like play hide-and-seek, help you build a sand castle, and sing you a lullaby. But what do they do best? The answer is made perfectly clear In this irresistible celebration of grandparents and the everyday things they do.