Typographies of Performance in Early Modern England
Explores typographic display and experimentation in printed play-texts from the fourteenth to the eighteenth centuries and interprets features of page display (particularly special characters, scene division, punctuation, and illustration) as a means of communicating and expressing aspects of dramatic performance to readers.
Claire M. L. Bourne, Assistant Professor of English, Pennsylvania State University Claire M. L. Bourne is Assistant Professor of English at the Pennsylvania State University. Her research focuses on early modern drama, the history of the book, and theatre history. She has published in journals such as English Literary Renaissance and Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America and has contributed essays about early modern textual production and reception to a number of edited collections. She is editor of Henry the Sixth, Part 1, for The Arden Shakespeare, 4th series, and is general editor of the Digital Beaumont and Fletcher (1647), an open-access student-generated edition of the Beaumont and Fletcher folio.