The Three Paths of Justice
This revised second edition takes account of developments in the field of dispute resolution, including mediation and arbitration. The book presents a concise account of the English system of civil litigation, covering court proceedings in England and Wales. It is an original and important study of a system which is the historical root of the US litigation system. The volume offers a comprehensive and properly balanced account of the entire range of dispute resolution techniques.As the first (revised) book on this subject to be published in the USA, it enables American lawyers to gain an overview of the main institutions of English Civil Procedure, including mediation and arbitration. It will render the English system of civil justice accessible to law students in the US, practitioners of law, professors, judges, and policy-makers.
Professor Neil H Andrews - member of the teaching staff, University of Cambridge, since 1983. Professor of Civil Justice and Private law. Called to the English Bar in 1981; Bencher of Middle Temple, London, 2007, and a member of the American Law Institute. Formerly a Praesidium Member of the International Association of Procedural Law. With leading jurists, Neil Andrews collaborated in producing the AMERICAN LAW INSTITUTE/UNIDROIT's `Transnational Principles of Civil Procedure' (Cambridge UP, 2006) (project active 2000 to 2006). Neil's research interests are in civil procedure, arbitration, mediation, and contract law.
This revised second edition takes account of developments in the field of dispute resolution, including mediation and arbitration. The book presents a concise account of the English system of civil litigation, covering court proceedings in England and Wales. It is an original and important study of a system which is the historical root of the US litigation system. The volume offers a comprehensive and properly balanced account of the entire range of dispute resolution techniques. As the first (revised) book on this subject to be published in the USA, it enables American lawyers to gain an overview of the main institutions of English Civil Procedure, including mediation and arbitration. It will render the English system of civil justice accessible to law students in the US, practitioners of law, professors, judges, and policy-makers.