The Regional Structure of Hungarian Folk Culture
Shortened, revised and reedited for an international Audience, this work was originally published in 2011 under the Hungarian Title ’A magyar népi kultúra regionális struktúrája’. It uses new methods and new sources and is based on the digital elaboration of the biggest and most comprehensive data Set of Hungarian ethnological research, the 634 maps of the Atlas of Hungarian Folk Culture. Borsos's interdisciplinary elaboration creates a synthesis in ethnocartography with the help of mathematical, statistical methods and computerised cluster analysis, and thus assures an important leap in the science of ethnography.
Shortened, revised and reedited for an international Audience, this work was originally published in 2011 under the Hungarian Title ’A magyar népi kultúra regionális struktúrája’. It uses new methods and new sources and is based on the digital elaboration of the biggest and most comprehensive data Set of Hungarian ethnological research, the 634 maps of the Atlas of Hungarian Folk Culture. Borsos's interdisciplinary elaboration creates a synthesis in ethnocartography with the help of mathematical, statistical methods and computerised cluster analysis, and thus assures an important leap in the science of ethnography.