The Problems of New Businesses During the Operational Phase Using the Example of eBars GbR
Seminar paper from the year 2014 in the subject Business economics - Company formation, Business Plans, grade: 1,0, University of Applied Sciences Deggendorf, course: Internationales Projectmanagement, language: English, abstract: In this case study the eBars was used as exemplary new business. Firstly the company's origin, strategy and team were described and afterwards the problems which occurred during the operation were analysed. This demonstrated that most of the problems happening at eBars were related to the people management, organizational management and customer approach. These problems seem to be easy to avoid at first glance but in the second glance exemplary it be seen that these issues are very common and can come about in any new business. According to the article "The success of Start-Ups is an exception" 70 % of new businesses fail because of issues related to the team. This shows, that the problems mentioned are very usual and a big topic in new businesses. The solutions presented show that most issues can be unbound by a good organizational structure, strict rules and good guidelines. These tools can be a smaller team, tools for data management, strict task allocation regarding competencies, strict organizational rules, strict agendas, strict conversation rules or a simple guideline for customer approach. Moreover, the separation of private and business affairs is very important particularly in businesses where friends are working together.