The Postcolonial Studies Dictionary and Anthology Set
Combines Nayar's The Postcolonial Studies Dictionary and Postcolonial Studies: An Anthology within one student set - offering uniquely broad coverage of terms, concepts, and debates within the field. The Postcolonial Studies Dictionary compiles a collection of jargon-free definitions of over 150 key terms and concepts in postcolonial studies Postcolonial Studies: An Anthology spans wide geographical coverage - from Ireland and India, to Israel and Palestine - in combining new and diverse voices in postcolonial theory with classic texts in established areas the field Authored and edited by a distinguished postcolonial scholar Explores postcolonial studies from the perspective of multiple disciplines, including literary studies, anthropology, science, economics, globalization studies, politics, philosophy, and language studies
Pramod K. Nayar teaches in the Department of English, at the University of Hyderabad, India. He the editor of Women in Colonial India: Historical Documents and Sources (5-volumes, 2014), and the author of numerous titles including Colonial Voices: The Discourses of Empire (2012), The New Media and Cybercultures Anthology (2010), and An Introduction to New Media and Cybercultures (2010), all published by Wiley Blackwell.
Combines Nayar s The Postcolonial Studies Dictionary and Postcolonial Studies: An Anthology within one student set offering uniquely broad coverage of terms, concepts, and debates within the field.