A laugh-out-loud picture book all about when the dung beetles went on strike and its disastrously, pooey results!
Peter Bently (Author) Peter studied languages at Oxford and lives in Devon, England. He is the author of the hilarious and bestselling The Great Bottom Swap, shortlisted for the Roald Dahl Funny Prize. King Jack and the Dragon, illustrated by Helen Oxenbury, was shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Medal and was among the American Library Association's Notable Children's Books of the year. He won the Roald Dahl Funny Prize with Cats Ahoy!. www.peterbently.com Nick East (Illustrator) Nick East is the illustrator of the bestselling TOTO THE NINJA CAT series, written by Dermot O'Leary. He is also the illustrator of Michelle Robinson's popular GOODNIGHT . . . series. He worked for many years as a museum designer but has always been a storyteller whether, as a child, filling sketchbooks with quirky characters or, as a designer, displaying a collection of ancient artefacts. Nick is based in York.