The Outlines of Our Warm Bodies
Pat Jasper collects memories and transforms them into insights. In The Outlines of Our Warm Bodies, she focuses on the "small close spaces" of the family -- on domestic relationships, crises and patterns, on coming to terms with time and its power to destroy and to heal. Whether inspired by incidents -- a pulled hamstring, breast reduction surgery, the death of a parent -- or by objects infused with emotion -- a grocery list left behind, the outline of angels in the snow -- Jasper demonstrates a remarkably strong narrative voice, excelling as a story-teller who carefully unravels the yarn of a woman's life.
Born in New Jersey in 1943, Pat Jasper grew up on various army bases in the US and overseas. She was educated at New Mexico State University and the University of Colorado. A resident of Canada since 1974, her poems have appeared in Canadian Literature,