The Impact of Technology on Teaching Language and Literature
This book includes seven literary and language analysis articles. The first article examines 1988 Nobel Laureate Naguib Mahfouz¿s Cairo Triology focusing on female happiness in man's patriarchal cage. The second article gives a critical analysis of E.M Forester's short story ¿The Machine Stops¿ portraying the fatal sting of technology. The third article compares between Flaubert¿s Madame Bovary and Ahdaf Soueif¿s In The Eye of the Sun highlighting marital deadlock in both novels. The next four articles are mainly focused on teaching language via technology, as the fourth article discusses how to use the interactive web in teaching and learning, and the fifth article shows how to integrate technology and literature in an EFL/ESL context. Moreover, article six investigates the integration of extensive reading and reading circles in ESL giving a sample implementation programme. The last article seven demonstrates the benefits of using the E-Learning Moodle to enhance Students¿ language skills and independent learning.
La profesora Nagwa Soliman enseña lengua y literatura inglesas desde 1988. Ha publicado internacionalmente 11 libros y 20 artículos. Ha impartido clases durante 35 años en numerosas universidades de renombre: Universidad Británica de Egipto, Universidad Americana de El Cairo, Universidad Internacional de Misr, AAST y Universidad de Mansoura.