Statistical Practice in Business and Industry
Statistical methods are applied widely in industry, particularly in manufacturing processes, to provide authoritative methods for quality control and thus improve productivity and efficiency. The various methods range from graphical approaches to generalised modelling, and from designed experiments to process control. Statistical Practice in Business and Industry presents the latest advances in the application of statistical and optimisation methods within modern industry, alongside more established methods. Methods are demonstrated across a wide range of real-life applications from fields including finance, e-commerce, micro-electronics, chemical and automotive engineering, component assembly, household goods and plastics manufacturing. Each topic is investigated by an expert in that field, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of how statistical methods benefit business and industry. The book: * Provides comprehensive coverage of the essential statistical methods applied in industry. * Presents user-friendly practical guidance on the applications of the methods. * Adopts a graphical approach, helping the non-statistician to fully understand the methods. * Features problem solving strategies for all aspects of business, from product and process design, through to packaging and delivery, dealing with single and multivariate problems. * Includes a review of available software and references to further reading. The lucid style of Statistical Practice in Business and Industry makes this an invaluable text for anyone working in industry and employing statistical methods in their work. It also makes ideal supplementary reading for students of engineering and statistics.
The Editors, Shirley Coleman, Tony Greenfield, Dave Stewardson, and Douglas C. Montgomery, are section leaders in ENBIS -- European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics -- an organisation for the encouragement of exchange of ideas and methods of best practice between academia and industry across different countries.