Songs of Archilochus
Riding atop grief's didactic waves, Rancourt skillfully writes in a variety of poetic forms that support the intimate melding of shared experience as healer, elder, and human being. Prose, lyric, ballad, couplets, and haiku inspired - Rancourt continues to push the boundaries of trauma. Songs of Archilochus is an odyssey of soul recovery over great distances, time, and place: a migration from moral injury to a momentary place of peace. It takes courage to age with grace. It takes courage to sing the songs that we have been given - but sing we must for that is how the healing is carried - that is how the stories take shape - how they become a part of history whether personal, societal, global, or Universal. Songs of Archilochus reminds us that the vibration of human life knows no border, boundary, box or cage. Warrior. Poet. Lovers. Sing.
Suzanne S. Rancourt is Abenaki/Huron decent, born and raised in the mountains of West Central Maine currently residing in the Adirondack Mountains, NY. A multi-modal artist, she has work appearing in Synaeresis #7, Twist in Time #5, Door Is A Jar #10, Avatar Review #21, New Reader Magazine #5, Grey Borders Magazine, Big Pond Rumours, Tiny Flames Press, Quiddity, River Heron Review, The Gyroscope Review, theSame, Young Ravens Literary Review # 8, Tupelo Press Native Voices Anthology, Women of Appalachia Project, Bright Hill Press 25th Anniversary Anthology, Dawnland Voices 2.0 #4, Northern New England Review, Bear Review, Three Drops Press, Snapdragon Journal, mgversion2>datura, Sirsee, Slipstream, Muddy River Poetry Review, Ginosko, Journal of Military Experience, Cimarron Review, Callaloo, numerous anthologies, translations, and text books. Her book, Billboard in the Clouds was the winner of the Native Writers' Circle of the Americas First Book Award. Ms. Rancourt holds a Master of Fine Arts in Poetry from Vermont College; Master of Science degree in Educational Psychology from SUNY, Albany, NY; a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Expressive Arts: therapy, education, and consulting from the European Graduate School, Switzerland. Ms. Rancourt is a Certified Facilitator and Affiliate of the Amherst Writers and Artists. She is a NY Credentialed Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counselor. Ms. Rancourt holds rank in both Aikido and Iaido reflecting her 20 years of practice and training. She is a veteran of both the USMC and US Army. She continues to serve through the Saratoga County (NY) Veterans Peer to Peer Mentoring program.