Social Justice and Counseling
Cristelle Audet, PhD, is an associate professor in counseling psychology at the University of Ottawa. She is past president of the Social Justice Chapter of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) and has been involved with CCPA’s Ethics Committee since 2010. Dr. Audet has also authored a chapter on social justice for the Handbook of Counselling and Psychotherapy in Canada (2016).David Paré, PhD, is a registered psychologist and a full professor in counseling psychology at the University of Ottawa. In addition, Dr. Paré is director of the Glebe Institute, A Centre for Constructive and Collaborative Practice in Ottawa. He is the author of The Practice of Collaborative Counselling and Psychotherapy (2013), and co-editor of Collaborative Practice in Psychology and Therapy (2004) and Furthering Talk: Advances in the Discursive Therapies (2004).
Social Justice and Counseling represents the intersection between therapy, counseling, and social justice.