Security Management, Integrity, and Internal Control in Information Systems
International Federation for Information Processing The IFIP series publishes state-of-the-art results in the sciences and technologies of information and communication. The scope of the series includes: foundations of computer science; software theory and practice; education; computer applications in technology; communication systems; systems modeling and optimization; information systems; computers and society; computer systems technology; security and protection in information processing systems; artificial intelligence; and human-computer interaction. Proceedings and post-proceedings of referred international conferences in computer science and interdisciplinary fields are featured. These results often precede journal publication and represent the most current research. The principal aim of the IFIP series is to encourage education and the dissemination and exchange of information about all aspects of computing. For more information about the 300 other books in the IFIP series, please visit For more information about IFIP, please visit
This is the first joint working conference between the IFIP Working Groups 11. 1 and 11. 5. We hope this joint conference will promote collaboration among researchers who focus on the security management issues and those who are interested in integrity and control of information systems. Indeed, as management at any level may be increasingly held answerable for the reliable and secure operation of the information systems and services in their respective organizations in the same manner as they are for financial aspects of the enterprise, there is an increasing need for ensuring proper standards of integrity and control in information systems in order to ensure that data, software and, ultimately, the business processes are complete, adequate and valid for intended functionality and expectations of the owner (i. e. the user organization). As organizers, we would like to thank the members of the international program committee for their review work during the paper selection process. We would also like to thank the authors of the invited papers, who added valuable contribution to this first joint working conference. Paul Dowland X. Sean Wang December 2005 Contents Preface vii Session 1 - Security Standards Information Security Standards: Adoption Drivers (Invited Paper) 1 JEAN-NOEL EZINGEARD AND DAVID BIRCHALL Data Quality Dimensions for Information Systems Security: A Theorectical Exposition (Invited Paper) 21 GURVIRENDER TEJAY, GURPREET DHILLON, AND AMITA GOYAL CHIN From XML to RDF: Syntax, Semantics, Security, and Integrity (Invited Paper) 41 C. FARKAS, V. GowADiA, A. JAIN, AND D.