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7 Treffer für "The American"
Suchergebnis | Haupt Buchhandlung
Titel A-Z
Titel Z-A
Preis aufsteigend
Preis absteigend
Beste Ergebnisse
Alpha Editions (898)
American Bar Association (340)
American Mathematical Society (204)
American Psychiatric Association Publishing (143)
American Psychological Association (apa) (188)
American School of Classical Studies at Athens (142)
American University in Cairo Press (264)
Anatiposi Verlag (144)
Antigonos Verlag (629)
Authorhouse (363)
Baby Professor (392)
Bloomsbury (345)
Bloomsbury Academic (333)
Cambridge Academic (1635)
Cambridge University Press (632)
Columbia University Press (360)
Cornell University Press (337)
Creative Media Partners, LLC (9876)
Culturea (321)
De Gruyter (145)
Duke University Press (345)
Edinburgh University Press (179)
Gale Ecco, Sabin Americana (216)
Globe Pequot Publishing Group Inc/Bloomsbury (270)
Greenwood (235)
Grin Verlag (367)
Hansebooks (1627)
Harper Collins (905)
Harper Collins (US) (1884)
Harvard University Press (261)
History Press (267)
Houghton Mifflin Company (203)
Indiana University Press (122)
Ingram Publishers Services (1865)
iUniverse (437)
Johns Hopkins University Press (339)
Kessinger Publishing, LLC (2932)
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing (266)
Legare Street Pr (218)
Leonaur (169)
Lexington Books (375)
Little, Brown and Company (338)
Lsu Press (115)
Lulu.com (326)
Marvel (163)
McFarland (384)
McFarland & Co Inc (130)
Nebraska (173)
New York University Press (413)
Outlook (176)
Outlook Verlag (1293)
Oxford Academic (858)
Oxford University Press (383)
Palgrave Macmillan UK (436)
Palgrave Macmillan US (1460)
Penguin Books (178)
Peter Lang (368)
Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (150)
Peter Lang Publishing Inc (134)
Peter Lang Publishing Inc. New York (415)
Praeger (783)
Princeton University Press (214)
Random House N.Y. (1214)
Random House UK (209)
Routledge (821)
Rowman & Littlefield (836)
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers (357)
Rutgers University Press (255)
Sage Publications (140)
Springer International Publishing (2102)
Springer Nature EN (1063)
Springer Netherland (156)
Springer US (138)
Stanford University Press (206)
State University Of New York Press (236)
Taylor & Francis (296)
Taylor and Francis (2804)
Temple University Press,U.S. (153)
The University of Chicago Press (395)
The University of Michigan Press (204)
The University of North Carolina Press (550)
Touchladybirdlucky Studios (1836)
Tredition Classics (142)
Trieste Publishing (239)
Turnaround (786)
Univ of Chicago Behalf of Univ of Alabama (152)
University of California Press (233)
University of Georgia Press (212)
University of Illinois Press (568)
University Of Michigan Press (219)
University Of Pennsylvania Press (577)
University of Texas Press (117)
University Press Of Mississippi (117)
University Presses (2220)
Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH Heidelberg (130)
Universitätsvlg. Winter (133)
W. W. Norton & Company (206)
Wiley (538)
Xlibris (199)
Yale University Press (147)
Audio CD (133)
Bilderbuch (37)
BlueRay (4)
Blätter (20)
Box (50)
Buch (21)
DVDAudio (2)
DVDVideo (9)
Gebunden (31911)
Geheftet (40)
Kalender (61)
Kartoniert / Broschiert (48417)
Kassette (2)
Kassette / Medienmix z.B. Audio und Buch (24)
Kassetten Bundle (1)
Landkarte (6)
Leder (7)
Merchandise (5)
Poster (6)
Spiel / Brettspiel (6)
Unbekannt (134)
49 Americans, The (1)
Agnostic Front (1)
American and British Committees of the International Greek New Testament Project (1)
Bevis Frond, The (1)
Brother Dege (1)
Bryan, Zach (1)
Cappelli, Marco/Italian Surf Academy (1)
Christophers/Handel and Haydn Society (1)
Dale, Jimmie And The Flatlanders (1)
Davies, Dennis Russell/Chorus and Orchestra of Tea (1)
Districts, The (1)
Dvorak, Antonin (1)
Ehnes/Musicians of the Seattle Chamber Music Soc. (1)
Flatt & Scruggs - The Stanley Brothers -The Loneso (1)
Fox, Charles (2)
Gameson, Pau/The Ebor Singers (1)
Great American Ghost (1)
Grönemeyer, Herbert (1)
Heiko Kamann (1)
Joe Byrd And The Field Hippies (1)
Jones, Durand & The Indications (1)
Karp, Peter (1)
Kerr, Robert (2)
Kislan, Richard (1)
Kroumata Percussion Ensemble (1)
Macdermot, Galt Rado, James Ragni, Gerome (1)
Meyers, Anne Akiko (1)
Mruzek, David (2)
Nobbman, Dale V. (1)
O'Neill, John (1)
Oxalys (1)
Paderewski, Ignacy Jan (1)
Panella, Louis (1)
Panella, Louis Butler, David (1)
Prieto, Carlos M. /The Orchestra of the Americas (1)
Randy California & Spirit (1)
Ray, Matt (1)
Roubos, Valerie Roth (4)
Schwantner, Joseph (2)
Sheik, Duncan (1)
Springsteen, Bruce (1)
Stokowski/The Symphony of the Air/The American Con (1)
The King's Singers/Firman/South Jutland SO (1)
Various (2)
Various Artists (2)
Wang, Yuja/Abrams (1)
White Reaper (1)
Younge, Adrian (1)
Adams Charles Francis (12)
Adams, John Boston Public Library) John Adams Lib (15)
Akande, Adebowale (8)
American Academy Of Arts And Sciences (15)
American Academy of Arts and Sciences (20)
American Academy Of Political And Social National American Woman Suffrage Associa (8)
American Almanac Collection (Library of (64)
American Anti-Slavery Society (12)
American Antiquarian Society (27)
American Art Association (61)
American Association for Inhalation Ther American Association for Respiratory the American Association for Respiratory Car (9)
American Association for the Advancem (14)
American Association for the Advancement (35)
American Baptist Publication Society (14)
American Bible Society (23)
American Board of Commissioners for F (11)
American Board Of Commissioners For Fore (10)
American Board of Commissioners for Fore (21)
American Book Company (10)
American Catholic Historical Society of (38)
American Colonization Society (43)
American Dermatological Association (12)
American Economic Association (11)
American Education Society (10)
American Entomological Society (17)
American Genetic Association (12)
American Historical Society (13)
American Home Missionary Society Con (14)
American Institute of Mining, Metallu (9)
American Iron And Steel Institute American Iron And Steel Association (11)
American Jewish Historical Society (12)
American Legion National Headquarters (21)
American Medical Association (10)
American Medical Association Section on (38)
American Museum Of Natural History (33)
American Nature Study Society (10)
American Oriental Society (18)
American Pharmaceutical Association (10)
American Pharmaceutical Association National Pharmaceutical Convention, P. Convention of Pharmaceutists and Drug (10)
American Philatelic Association American Philatelic Society (19)
American Philosophical Society (33)
American Printing House for the Blind (12)
American Psychological Association American Psychopathological Association (14)
American Public Health Association (16)
American Shorthorn Breeders Association (15)
American Society for Pharmacology and Ex (9)
American Society for Psychical Research (15)
American Society Of Civil Engineers (22)
American Society of Civil Engineers (9)
American Society of Civil Engineers International Engineering Congress (1843 International Engineering Congress (1904 (10)
American Society of International Law (20)
American Telephone and Telegraph Comp (12)
American Tract Society (36)
American Unitarian Association (14)
Anderson Galleries, Inc (9)
Anonymous (34)
Association of American Law Schools (10)
Boas, Franz (9)
Cairns Collection of American Women Writ (9)
Catholic University Of America (13)
Central Conference Of American Rabbis (12)
D'Antonio, Patricia (14)
Dashefsky, Arnold Sheskin, Ira M. (22)
Daughters Of The American Revolution (168)
Daughters of the American Revolution (11)
Delaware Museum of Natural History (26)
Froehlich, Annette (17)
Garoogian, David (12)
Gay, S. Howard Inscriber (9)
Gelpi, Albert Posnock, Ross (17)
Gröls-Verlag, Redaktion (23)
Heimann, Jim (14)
International Bureau of the American (15)
League of American Wheelmen (9)
Mathematical Association Of America (15)
Mometrix Sonography Registration Test Team (12)
Mometrix Teacher Certification Test Team (35)
Moore, Frank (14)
Museum of the American Indian, Heye F. Jay I Kislak Reference Collection (L (26)
Parini, Jay (13)
Publications, Europa (11)
San Diego Society of Natural History (16)
Scientific American Editors (43)
Sheskin, Ira M. Dashefsky, Arnold (10)
Simons, William M. (10)
Smithsonian Institution Bureau of Am (11)
Smithsonian Institution Press (18)
Sons Of The American Revolution (13)
Sons of the American Revolution Cn (18)
Sons of the American Revolution Mass (9)
Source: Wikipedia (36)
Southern Society for Clinical Investigat (9)
Sparks, Jared (10)
United States Congress House Commi (34)
United States Congress House Committe (29)
United States Congress House Special (9)
United States Dept Of State (27)
United States Naval Observatory Naut (9)
University of Chicago Dept of Semitic (12)
Washington, H. A. (9)
Aaron Jason (31)
Allen, Joel Asaph (16)
Allen, Lewis Falley (17)
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (Aaos) (36)
American Malacologists, Inc (21)
American Psychiatric Association (21)
American Sunday School Union (45)
Anderson, Rufus (43)
Anonymous (1706)
ASME (37)
Association, American Historical (31)
Association, American Osteopathic (25)
Association, American Statistical (16)
Baby (401)
Ballentine, Frank Schell (18)
Bancroft, George (96)
Barnard, Henry (16)
Bendis, Brian Michael (26)
Books, Verity (25)
Brands, H. W. (16)
Brinton, Daniel Garrison (17)
Brown, Charles Brockden (20)
Brown, William Wells (22)
Brownson, Orestes Augustus (15)
Bryant, William Cullen (17)
Bryce, James (16)
Bukowski, Charles (19)
Catlin, George (48)
Churchill, Winston (15)
Collier, Price (17)
Colton, Calvin (18)
Cooper, James Fenimore (27)
Coues, Elliott (19)
Crane, Stephen (34)
Curtis, Edward S. (24)
Dissected Lives (25)
Douglass, Frederick (78)
Draper, John William (23)
Editors of the American Heritage Di (27)
Ellis, Edward Sylvester (17)
Emerson, Frederick (22)
Erdrich, Louise (16)
Federal Writers' Project (FWP) Works Project Administration (WPA) (36)
Federal Writers' Project (Fwp) Works Project Administration (Wpa) (19)
Fiske, John (48)
Fitzgerald, F. Scott (31)
Frost, John (25)
Greeley, Horace (18)
Greene, George Washington (16)
Hamilton, Walter (18)
Hawthorne, Nathaniel (25)
Heath, Samuel D. G. (16)
Hebbel-Seeger, Andreas (16)
History, Captivating (80)
Institute of Instruction, American (27)
James, Henry (43)
Jones, James Athearn (19)
Lee Stan (56)
Library, United (44)
Mackellar, Thomas (16)
May, Caroline (18)
McGraw Hill (55)
Mcintosh, John (16)
Michaels, Sarah (16)
Moore, Frank (42)
Mullins, G. W. (36)
Myers, Gustavus (27)
Neusner, Jacob (63)
Nicholson, William (23)
North American Review Corporation (158)
Olmsted, Frederick Law (17)
Paine, Thomas (38)
Peet, Stephen Denison (24)
Perry, William Stevens (17)
Richardson, Major (16)
Sabine, Lorenzo (31)
Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe (22)
Shakespeare, William (18)
Society for American Baseball Research (Sabr) (55)
Society, American Astronomical (16)
Society, American Bible (22)
Society, American Colonization (30)
Society, American Oriental (17)
Sparks, Jared (98)
Sprague, William Buell (39)
Sumner, William Graham (19)
Trollope, Anthony (25)
Tuckerman, Edward (16)
Twain, Mark (48)
Tyler, Moses Coit (18)
Union, American Sunday-School (18)
Universal Politics (20)
Unknown (164)
Various (111)
Voon, Andrea (31)
Washburn, Emory (18)
Washington, George (21)
Webster, Noah (18)
Wilson, Woodrow (34)
Woodburn, James Albert (16)
1991 (61)
1996 (63)
1998 (53)
1999 (57)
2000 (56)
2001 (62)
2002 (47)
2003 (57)
2004 (65)
2005 (50)
2006 (200)
2007 (51)
2008 (51)
2009 (48)
2010 (106)
2011 (86)
2012 (548)
2013 (60)
2014 (61)
2015 (53)
2016 (106)
2018 (48)
2019 (62)
2020 (71)
2021 (73)
2022 (110)
2023 (62)
2024 (58)
Deutsch (516)
Englisch (80197)
Französisch (60)
metaCatalog.groups.language.options.afrikaans (10)
metaCatalog.groups.language.options.arabic (25)
metaCatalog.groups.language.options.basque (1)
metaCatalog.groups.language.options.bulgarian (1)
metaCatalog.groups.language.options.catalan (1)
metaCatalog.groups.language.options.chinese (6)
metaCatalog.groups.language.options.czech (2)
metaCatalog.groups.language.options.estonian (1)
metaCatalog.groups.language.options.greek, ancient to 1453 (1)
metaCatalog.groups.language.options.greek, modern 1453- (2)
metaCatalog.groups.language.options.hindi (2)
metaCatalog.groups.language.options.indonesian (1)
metaCatalog.groups.language.options.italian (5)
metaCatalog.groups.language.options.konkani (2)
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metaCatalog.groups.language.options.russian (12)
metaCatalog.groups.language.options.sign languages (11)
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Spanisch (102)
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