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7 Treffer für "Institution of Engineering and Technology"
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Bloomsbury (2)
Bloomsbury Academic (1)
Cambridge Academic (7)
Hurst Publishers (1)
Ingram Publishers Services (2)
Institution of Engineering & Technology (400)
Institution of Engineering and Technology (396)
Oxford Academic (2)
Pan macmillan Ltd. (1)
Rowman & Littlefield (7)
Springer International Publishing (2)
Springer Nature EN (9)
Springer US (1)
Springer Us (1)
Taylor and Francis (30)
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (1)
Transcript (6)
University Presses (1)
Audio CD (1)
Gebunden (679)
Kartoniert / Broschiert (199)
Unbekannt (11)
Abbasi, Qammer H Rehman, Masood Ur Qaraqe, Khalid Alomainy, Akram (1)
Abbasi, Qammer H. Jilani, Syeda Fizzah Alomainy, Akram (1)
Abd El-Latif, Ahmed A. (Associate Professor, Menoufia University, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Egypt) Hammad, Mohammed Adel (Assistant Professor, Menoufia University, Faculty of Computers and Information, Egypt) Maleh, Yassine (Associate Professor of Cybersecurity and IT Governance, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Morocco) Gupta, Brij B. (Full Professor, Asia University, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE), Taiwan) Mazurczyk, Wojciech (Professor, Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Institute of Computer Science and Head of the Computer Systems Security Group (CSSG), Poland) (1)
Abouhawwash, Mohamed (Assistant Professor, Mansoura University, Department of Mathematics, Egypt) Tanwar, Sudeep (Full Professor, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Computer Science and Engineering Department, India) Nayyar, Anand (Assistant Professor, Duy Tan University, IoT and Intelligent Systems Laboratory, Vietnam) Naved, Mohd (Associate Professor (Analytics), School of Inspired Leadership (SOIL), India) (1)
Abu-Siada, Ahmed (1)
Acha, Enrique Fuerte-Esquivel, Claudio R de la Rosa, Francisco (1)
Ahmadi, Hamed (Reader, University of York, School of Physics, Engineering and Technology, UK) Duong, Trung Q. (Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC), Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada) Nag, Avishek (Assistant Professor, University College Dublin (UCD), School of Computer Science, Ireland) Sharma, Vishal (Senior Lecturer, Queen's University Belfast, School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Northern Ireland) Canberk, Berk (Professor, Edinburgh Napier University, School of Computing, Engineering and The Built Environment, UK) Dobre, Octavia A. (Professor, Memorial University, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Canada) (1)
Aissa, Brahim (Senior Scientist, Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI), Qatar) Tabet, Nouar (Professor, University of Sharjah, United Arabic Emirates) (1)
Al-Amoudi, Ismael Lazega Emmanuel (1)
Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (1)
Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. (University of Southampton, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, UK) Merrett, Geoff V. (Associate Professor, University of Southampton, School of Electronics and Computer Science, UK) (1)
Al-Jassim, Mowafak (Senior Research Fellow, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), USA) Haegel, Nancy (Director, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Materials Science Center, Materials and Chemical Science and Technology Directorate, USA) (1)
Al-Kodmany, Kheir Du, Peng Ali, Mir M (1)
Al-Turjman, Fadi (Full Professor, Near East University, Nicosia, Cyprus) (1)
Al-Turjman, Fadi Imran, Muhammad (1)
Alazab, Mamoun (Professor, Charles Darwin University, Faculty of Science and Technology, Australia) Gupta, Meenu (Associate Professor, Chandigarh University, UIE-CSE Department, India) Ahmed, Shakeel (Associate Professor, King Faisal University, College of Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Saudi Arabia) (1)
Albertos, P. Strietzel, R. Mort, N. (1)
Alcorn, Raymond O'Sullivan, Dara (1)
Alginahi, Yasser M. Nomani Kabir, Muhammad (1)
Alhelou, Hassan Haes (Monash University, Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Australia) Hosseinzadeh, Nasser (Director, Deakin University, Centre for Smart Power and Energy Research, Australia) Bahrani, Behrooz (Senior Lecturer, Monash University, Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering, Australia) (1)
Alhelou, Hassan Haes (Professor, Tishreen University, Smart Energy Systems Laboratory, Syria) Moreno-Munoz, Antonio (Professor, University of Cordoba, Spain) Siano, Pierluigi (Professor, University of Salerno, Smart Grids and Smart Cities Laboratory, Italy) (1)
Ali, Mohd. Hasan (Associate Professor, University of Memphis, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Electric Power and Energy Systems Laboratory, USA) (1)
Alomainy, Akram Yang, Ke Imran, Muhammad A Yao, Xin-Wei Abbasi, Qammer H (1)
Ametani, Akihiro (1)
Anc, Maria J. (1)
Andersen, Peter E. (Senior Scientist, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark) Petersen, Paul Michael (Professor, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark) (1)
Andrieu, Guillaume (Associate Professor, University of Limoges, XLIM Laboratory, France) (1)
Araneo, Rodolfo (Full Professor, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy) (1)
Arslan, Huseyin (Professor, Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey) Furqan, Haji M. (Post-Doctoral Researcher, Medipol University, Communications, Signal Processing, and Networking Center, Turkey) (1)
Arslan, Huseyin (Professor, University of South Florida, Electrical Engineering Deptartment, Tampa, USA) Basar, Ertugrul (Associate Professor, Koc University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey) (1)
Arya, Rajeev (Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Patna, India) Singh, Sangeeta (Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Patna, India) Singh, Maheshwari P. (Professor, NIT Patna, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, India) Iyer, Brijesh R. (Associate Professor, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Department of E&TC Engineering, India) Gudivada, Venkat N. (Professor, East Carolina University, Computer Science Department, USA) (1)
Aubry, Augusto (Associate Professor, University of Naples Federico II, Italy) Maio, Antonio De (Full Professor, University of Naples Federico II, Italy) Farina, Alfonso (Private Consultant, Italy) (1)
Awad, Ali Ismail (Associate Professor, Lulea University of Technology, Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering, Sweden) Fairhurst, Michael (Professor, University of Kent, School of Engineering and Digital Arts, UK) (1)
Bai, Shaoping (Associate Professor, Aalborg University, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Denmark) Virk, Gurvinder Singh (Technical Director, InnotecUK, UK) Sugar, Thomas (Professor, Arizona State University, USA) (1)
Balamurugan, Balusamy (Professor, Galgotias University, India) Chilamkurti, Naveen (Associate Professor, La Trobe University, Australia) Beena, T. Lucia Agnes (Assistant Professor, St. Joseph's College, India) Poongodi, T. (Associate Professor, Galgotias University, India) (1)
Balleri, Alessio Griffiths, Hugh Baker, Chris (1)
Balusamy, Balamurugan Arockiam, Daniel Raj, Pethuru (1)
Ban, Chunmei (Associate Professor, University of Colorado Boulder, USA) Xu, Kang (ARL Fellow, USA Army Research Laboratory, USA) (1)
Barak, M. (1)
Barba, Paolo Di (Full Professor, University of Pavia, Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering, Italy) Wiak, Slawomir (Professor, Lodz University of Technology, Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems, Poland) (1)
Barbin, Évelyne Menghini, Marta Volkert, Klaus (2)
Basile, Angelo Dalena, Francesco Tong, Jianhua Nejat Veziro& (1)
Bektic, Emir Bruns, Daniela Gabriel, Sonja Kelle, Florian Pölsterl, Gerhard Schniz, Felix (1)
Benbouzid, Mohamed (Full Professor, University of Brest, Institut de Recherche Dupuy de Lome (UMR CNRS 6027), France) (1)
Benbouzid, Mohamed (Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Brest, France) (1)
Bendaoud, Mohamed (Assistant Professor, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, National School of Applied Sciences (ENSA) of Khouribga, Morocco) Maleh, Yassine (Associate Professor of Cybersecurity and IT Governance, Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Morocco) Padmanaban, Sanjeevikumar (Professor, University of South-Eastern Norway, Department of Electrical Engineering, IT and Cybernetics, Norway) (1)
Bhadoria, Robin Singh (Associate Professor, GLA University, Department of Computer Engineering & Applications, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India) Saxena, Neetetsh (Associate Professor, Cardiff University, School of Computer Science and Informatics, UK) Nagpal, Bharti (Assistant Professor, Netaji Subhas University of Technology (East Campus), Department of Computer Science and Engineering, New Delhi, India) (1)
Bhattacharya, P. (1)
Bhattacharya, Pronaya Prasad, Vivek Kumar Hemanth, D Jude Dutta, Pushan Kumar Kathait, Atul D& (1)
Billingsley, J. (1)
Blacknell, David Griffiths, Hugh (1)
Blunt, Shannon D. (Professor, University of Kansas, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department, USA) Perrins, Erik S. (Professor, University of Kansas, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Department, USA) (1)
Bogoni, Antonella (Professor, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, Italy) Ghelfi, Paolo (Head of Research Area, PNT Lab of CNIT, Italy) Laghezza, Francesco (Senior Engineer, NXP Semiconductor, The Netherlands) (1)
Bossoufi, Badre (1)
Boubaker, Olfa Iriarte, Rafael (1)
Boyd Emily Folke Carl (1)
Bramer, M a (1)
Brewster, R L (1)
Bringi, V.N. (Emeritus Professor, Colorado State University, USA) Mishra, Kumar Vijay (Senior Fellow, United States DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory, USA) Thurai, Merhala (Research Scientist, Colorado State University, USA) (3)
Burrows, Kathryn (1)
Burton, Paul Stevens, Alan (Visiting Professor, University of Southampton, UK) (1)
Calandri Elena Golemo, Karolina Ventura-Fernández, Jesús (1)
Cantarella, Giulio E Di Pace, Roberta (1)
Cao, Shi-Jie (Full Professor, Southeast University, China) Feng, Zhuangbo (Associate Professor, Southeast University, School of Architecture, China) (1)
Cardoso, Antonio J. Marques (Full Professor, University of Beira Interior, Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Portugal) (1)
Carretero, Jesus Jeannot, Emmanuel Zomaya, Albert Y. (1)
Carriveau, Rupp (Professor, University of Windsor, Canada) Ting, David S-K. (Professor, University of Windsor, Canada) (1)
Carriveau, Rupp Ting, David S-K (1)
Casella, Ivan R.S. (Professor, Federal University of ABC, Engineering, Modeling and Applied Social Sciences Center, Brazil) Anpalagan, Alagan (Professor, Ryerson University, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Canada) (1)
Castellazzi, Alberto Irace, Andrea (1)
Castilla, Miguel (1)
Cavallucci, Denis (2)
Chakraborty, Chinmay (Senior Assistant Professor, Birla Institute of Technology, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mesra, India) Rodrigues, Joel J.P.C. (Professor, Senac Faculty of Ceara, Fortaleza - CE, Brazil) (1)
Chandra, Pranjal (1)
Chang, Chip Hong (Tenured Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE), Singapore) Cao, Yuan (Professor, Hohai University, College of Internet of Things Engineering, China) (1)
Chau, K. T. (1)
Chauhan, Rajeev Kumar Chauhan, Kalpana Singh, Sri Niwas (1)
Cooray, Vernon (Professor Emeritus, Uppsala University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Sweden) Rachidi, Farhad (Professor, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland) Rubinstein, Marcos (Professor, HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, School of Engineering and Management Vaud, Switzerland) (2)
Eltamaly, Ali Mohamed Zaki Diab, Ahmed Abdelhamid (2)
Grebennikov, Andrei (2)
Hoult, D. P. (2)
Institution of Mechanical Engineers (2)
Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMe (2)
Ishihara, Shoichi Kobayashi, Shunsuke Ukai, Yasuhiro (2)
Khalid, Osman (Assistant Professor, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Department of Computer Sciences, Pakistan) Khan, Samee U. (Associate Professor, North Dakota State University, USA) Zomaya, Albert Y. (Chair Professor, The University of Sydney, Australia) (2)
Kumar, Nayan (Institute Post-Doctoral Fellow, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, School of Interdisciplinary Research, India) Guerrero, Josep M. (Professor, Aalborg University, Department of Energy, Center for Research on Microgrids (CROM), Denmark) Kastha, Debaprasad (Professor, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India) Saha, Tapas Kumar (Professor, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, India) (2)
Leong, Wai Yie (3)
Lu, Meng (2)
Mittra, Raj (University of Central Florida, USA) (2)
Mohanty, Saraju P Srivastava, Ashok (2)
Ravi, Vadlamani (Professor, Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology, Hyderabad, India) Kumar Cherukuri, Aswani (Professor, Vellore Institute of Technology, School of Information Technology and Engineering, Vellore, India) (2)
Righini, Giancarlo C. (Senior Research Associate, Nello Carrara Institute of Applied Physics (IFAC CNR), Florence, Italy) Ferrari, Maurizio (Director of Research, Institute for Photonics and Nanotechnologies, CNR, Italy) (2)
Simoes, Marcelo Godoy (Professor in Flexible and Smart Power Systems, University of Vaasa, Finland) Busarello, Tiago Davi Curi (Professor, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil) (3)
Sovacool, Benjamin K. (2)
Sun, Yichuang (2)
Tan, Ying (Professor, Peking University, Computational Intelligence Laboratory, China) (3)
The Electricity Training Association (3)
Veers, Paul (2)
Verein für kritische Geschichtsschreibung e.V. (2)
Wenske, Jan (Professor, University of Bremen, Germany) (3)
Acarnley, Paul (Professor, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) (1)
Adamy, David L (1)
Adamy, David L. (1)
Aissa, Brahim Haddad, Emile I. (Senior Scientist, MPB Communications Inc., Smart Materials Section, Canada) Kruzelecky, Roman V. (Chief Scientist, MPB Communications Inc., Space & Photonics Department, Canada) Jamroz, Wes R. (Director, MPB Communications Inc., Space and Photonics Division, Canada) (1)
Almalkawi, Mohammad (1)
Ambrosius, Gerold Henrich-Franke, Christian (1)
Ametani, Akihiro (Adjunct Professor, University of Manitoba, Canada) Xue, Haoyan (Senior Manager, Global Energy Interconnection Group Co. Ltd., African Office of Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization) Ohno, Teruo (Deputy General Manager, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc., Japan) Khalilnezhad, Hossein (Senior Grid Strategist, TenneT TSO BV, Asset Management Department, The Netherlands) (1)
Anderson, John (1)
Armstrong, G a Maiti, C K (1)
Astanin, L.Y. (Professor of Technical Cybernetics, Baltic Technical University, Russia) Kostylev, A.A. (Mozhaisky Academy, Russia) (1)
Awan, Shakil Kibble, Bryan Schurr, Jürgen (1)
Azpilicueta, Leyre (Associate Professor, Tecnologico de Monterrey, School of Engineering and Sciences, Mexico) Vargas-Rosales, Cesar (Professor, Tecnologico de Monterrey, Research Group in Telecommunications, Mexico) Falcone, Francisco (Associate Professor, Universidad Publica de Navarra, Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering, Spain) Alejos, Ana (Associate Professor, University of Vigo, Signal and Communications Theory Department, Spain) (1)
Aïssa, Brahim Haddad, Emile Jamroz, Wez (1)
Baba, Yoshihiro (Professor, Doshisha University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Japan) Rakov, Vladimir A. (Professor, University of Florida, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, USA) (1)
Baca, Albert G. (Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico, USA) Ashby, Carol I.H. (Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico, USA) (1)
Bae, Woorham Jeong, Deog-Kyoon (1)
Baghai-Wadji, Alireza (Professor Emeritus of Electronics and Computational Engineering, University of Cape Town, South Africa) (3)
Balaguer, Pedro (1)
Bancroft, Randy (2)
Batra Geeta Uitto, Juha I. Feinstein Osvaldo N. (1)
Begum, Sayeda Rajendran Chandrasekharan L., Prakash Sai Ganesh K. Mohapatra Sanjay (1)
Belu, Radian (Associate Professor, Southern University and A&M College, USA) (1)
Bennett, Stuart (1)
Berrie, T W (1)
Bhattacharya, P. (1)
Bianchi, Nicola (Full Professor, University of Padova, Department of Industrial Engineering, Italy) Babetto, Cristian (Design Specialist, Magneti Marelli Motorsport, Italy) Bacco, Giacomo (E-Motor Engineer, Magna Powertrain, Austria) (1)
Borgeest, Kai (Professor, Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences, Center of Automotive Electronics and Combustion Engines, Germany) (1)
Borovikov, V.A. (Professor, Moscow Physicotechnical Institute, Russia) Kinber, B.Ye. (Professor, Moscow Physicotechnical Institute, Russia) (1)
Bossche, Alex Van den (Professor Emeritus, Ghent University, Electrical Energy Laboratory, Belgium) Moghaddam, Ali Farzan (Post-Doctoral Researcher, Ghent University, Electrical Energy Laboratory, Belgium) (1)
Bourlier, Christophe (Researcher, National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France) Li, Hongkun (Post-Doctoral Researcher, Ohio State University, ElectroScience Laboratory, USA) (1)
Bouwman, Ronald D (1)
Bowers, Brian (1)
Braasch, Michael (Principal Investigator, Ohio University Avionics Engineering Center (AEC), USA) (1)
Brauer, Hartmut (Technische Universitat Ilmenau, Advanced Electromagnetics Group, Germany) Ziolkowski, Marek (West Pomeranian University of Technology, Applied Informatics Group, Szczecin, Poland) Weise, Konstantin (Technische Universitat Ilmenau, Advanced Electromagnetics Group, Germany) Carlstedt, Matthias (Kompass GmbH, Ilmenau, Germany) Uhlig, Robert P. (Robert Bosch GmbH, Reutlingen, Germany) Zec, Mladen (Buehler Motor GmbH, Nuremberg, Germany) (1)
Bray, John (1)
Briggs, John N. (1)
Brooker, Graham (2)
Brooker, Graham (Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney, School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, Australia) (1)
Brooker, Graham M. (1)
Bryant, G. H. (1)
Bsi (1)
Bullock, Scott R (1)
Bullock, Scott R. (2)
Burns, R.W. (Professor) (1)
Burns, Russell (2)
Burns, Russell W. (2)
Bussey, Gordon (1)
Chappell, Paul H (1)
Charitonidou, Marianna (1)
Chattopadhyay, Surajit (1)
Chattopadhyay, Surajit (Associate Professor, Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering and Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, India) Das, Arabinda (Professor, Jadavpur University, Department of Electrical Engineering, India) (1)
Chen, Victor C Martorella, Marco (1)
Chesterman Simon (2)
Chin, Cheng Siong (Associate Professor, Newcastle University at Singapore, Singapore) (1)
Cho, Young Ki (Emeritus Professor, Kyungpook National University, School of Electronics Engineering, Korea) (1)
Chowdhury, S. Chowdhury, S P Crossley, P. (1)
City & Guilds The Institution of Engineering and Technology (2)
Clarricoats, P.J.B. (Queen Mary College, University of London, UK) Olver, A.D. (Reader, Queen Mary College, University of London, UK) (1)
Clayton, Robert Algar, Joan (1)
Collinson, Alan (Managing Director, Collinson Systems Limited (CSL), UK) (1)
Cook, P. R. L. (1)
Cook, Paul (1)
Coronato, Antonio (Researcher, Institute for High Performance Computing and Networking, National Research Council, Naples, Italy) (1)
Coticchia Fabrizio Moro, Francesco N. (1)
Curry, G Richard (2)
Czisch, Gregor (1)
Darney, Ian B. Hewitt, Chris M. (Fully Independent Technology Consultant) (1)
Davies, E J (1)
Davies, Kenneth (1)
Davis, Mark E (1)
Davis, Mark E. (1)
Davoodi, Mohammadreza (Post-Doctoral Fellow, University of Georgia, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Athens, USA) Meskin, Nader (Associate Professor, Qatar University, Doha) Khorasani, Khashayar (Professor, Concordia Institute of Aerospace Design and Innovation, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Montreal, Canada) (1)
Difranco, Julius V. Rubin, William L. (1)
Ding, Zhengtao (1)
Dissado, L.A. Fothergill, J.C. (1)
Drury, Bill (1)
Duffy, Michael C. (1)
Dugmore, Jenny (1)
Eade, James (1)
Edgar, J. (1)
Eikeland, Per Ove Skjærseth, Jon Birger (1)
Evron Yoram Bitzinger Richard A. (2)
Iee (3)
Lancellotti, Vito (2)
Leigh, J. R. (2)
Moses, Anthony Anderson, Philip Jenkins, Keith Stanbury, Hugh (2)
O'Hanlon Michael E. (2)
Pfeiffer, Sabine (2)
Rhea, Randall W (2)
Sengupta, Anirban (2)
Sisson, Melanie W. (2)
Steer, Michael (2)
Tavner, Peter (3)
Tavner, Peter (Emeritus Professor, Durham University, UK) (2)
Technology, The Institution (2)
The Institution of Engineering and Techn (37)
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (36)
Vasquez, John A. (2)
Whitfield, John (2)
1899 (6)
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Englisch (878)
Oil on the Sea
53,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Descriptive Geometry, The Spread of a Polytechnic Art
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Descriptive Geometry, The Spread of a Polytechnic Art
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Physics and Technology of Heterojunction Devices
0,00 CHF*
Rfic and MMIC Design and Technology
0,00 CHF*
Synchrophasor Technology
0,00 CHF*
High-Voltage Engineering and Testing
0,00 CHF*
Silicon Solar Cell Metallization and Module Technology
0,00 CHF*
Photovoltaic Technology for Hot and Arid Environments
0,00 CHF*
Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology in Modern Telehealth Systems
0,00 CHF*
Principles of Performance Engineering for Telecommunication and Information Systems
0,00 CHF*
Principles of Performance Engineering for Telecommunication and Information Systems
0,00 CHF*
Technology Computer Aided Design for Si, Sige and GAAS Integrated Circuits
0,00 CHF*
Handbook of Ventilation Technology for the Built Environment
0,00 CHF*
Patient-Centered Digital Healthcare Technology
0,00 CHF*
Silicon Wafer Bonding Technology for VLSI and MEMS Applications
0,00 CHF*
Technology-Enabled Motion Sensing and Activity Tracking for Rehabilitation
0,00 CHF*
Esg Innovation for Sustainable Manufacturing Technology
0,00 CHF*
Blockchain Technology for Smart Grids
0,00 CHF*
Matlab(r) for Electrical and Computer Engineering Students and Professionals
0,00 CHF*
SysML for Systems Engineering
0,00 CHF*
Blockchain Technology in e-Healthcare Management
0,00 CHF*
Advances in High-Power Fiber and Diode Laser Engineering
0,00 CHF*
Blockchain Technology for Secure Social Media Computing
0,00 CHF*
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