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Zu "T.M.C. Asser Press" wurden 551 Produkte gefunden
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T.M.C. Asser Press (996)
Gebunden (750)
Kartoniert / Broschiert (243)
Kassette / Medienmix z.B. Audio und Buch (3)
Amoroso, Daniele Marotti, Loris Rossi, Pierfrancesco Spagnolo, Andrea Zarra, Giovanni (2)
Amoroso, Daniele Marotti, Loris Zarra, Giovanni Spagnolo, Andrea Rossi, Pierfrancesco (2)
Amtenbrink, Fabian Dam-de Jong, Daniëlla (2)
Andenas, Mads Contartese, Cristina Happold, Matthew Pantaleo, Luca (2)
Andenas, Mads Pantaleo, Luca Happold, Matthew Contartese, Cristina (2)
Anderson, Jack (2)
Arts, Karin Popovski, Vesselin (2)
Bartels, Rogier Boogaard, Jeroen C. van den Voetelink, Joop Pouw, Eric Ducheine, Paul A. L. (2)
Bartels, Rogier van den Boogaard, Jeroen C. Ducheine, Paul A. L. Pouw, Eric Voetelink, Joop (2)
Beeres, Robert Bertrand, Robert Klomp, Jeroen Timmermans, Job Voetelink, Joop (2)
Beeres, Robert Bertrand, Robert Voetelink, Joop Timmermans, Job Klomp, Jeroen (2)
Beneyto, José María Kennedy, David (3)
Black-Branch, Jonathan L. Fleck, Dieter (8)
Blockmans, Steven (2)
Blockmans, Steven Prechal, Sacha (2)
Blokker, Niels (2)
Bock, Stefanie Conze, Eckart (2)
Boltjes, Miek (2)
Bonacker, Thorsten Safferling, Christoph (2)
Boost, Claire Broderick, Andrea Coomans, Fons Moerland, Roland (2)
Boost, Claire Moerland, Roland Coomans, Fons Broderick, Andrea (2)
Caiger, Andrew (2)
Capone, Francesca Mignot-Mahdavi, Rebecca Paulussen, Christophe (2)
Capone, Francesca Paulussen, Christophe Mignot-Mahdavi, Rebecca (2)
Cardwell, Paul James (3)
Cholewinski, Ryszard Macdonald, Euan Perruchoud, Richard (2)
Conze, Eckart Bock, Stefanie (2)
Custers, Bart (2)
Custers, Bart Fosch-Villaronga, Eduard (2)
Dam-de Jong, Daniëlla Amtenbrink, Fabian (2)
De Guttry, Andrea Venturini, Gabriella Post, Harry H. G. (2)
Dekker, I.F. Hey, E. (4)
Douma, W. Th. Eckes, C. Van Elsuwege, P. Kassoti, E. Ott, A. Wessel, R. A. (2)
Douma, W. Th. Eckes, C. Wessel, R. A. Kassoti, E. Ott, A. Elsuwege, P. van (2)
Douma, Wybe Th. Massai, Leonardo Montini, Massimiliano (2)
Duval, Antoine Rigozzi, Antonio (6)
Eidenmüller, Horst Schön, Wolfgang (2)
Einhorn, Talia (2)
Einhorn, Talia Siehr, Kurt (2)
Feria-Tinta, Monica (2)
Fijalkowski, Agata A. (2)
Fitzmaurice, M. (2)
Fleck, Dieter Black-Branch, Jonathan L. (7)
Fosch-Villaronga, Eduard Custers, Bart (2)
Gasson, Mark N. Bowman, Diana M. Kosta, Eleni (2)
Gasson, Mark N. Kosta, Eleni Bowman, Diana M. (2)
Gill, Terry D. (2)
Gill, Terry D. Geiß, Robin Heinsch, Robert McCormack, Tim Paulussen, Christophe Dorsey, Jessica (2)
Gill, Terry D. Geiß, Robin Krieger, Heike Mignot-Mahdavi, Rebecca (2)
Gill, Terry D. Geiß, Robin Krieger, Heike Paulussen, Christophe (4)
Gill, Terry D. McCormack, Tim Geiß, Robin Krieger, Heike Paulussen, Christophe (2)
Gill, Terry D. Mignot-Mahdavi, Rebecca Krieger, Heike Geiß, Robin (2)
Gill, Terry D. Paulussen, Christophe Krieger, Heike Geiß, Robin (4)
Goudappel, Flora A.N.J. Raulus, Helena S. (2)
Groothuis, Marga M. Hof, Simone van der (2)
Hayashi, Nobuo Lingaas, Carola (2)
Heere, Wybo (2)
Heere, Wybo P. (4)
Heffes, Ezequiel Kotlik, Marcos D. Ventura, Manuel J. (2)
Heffes, Ezequiel Ventura, Manuel J. Kotlik, Marcos D. (2)
Heinze, Eric (2)
Hey, E. Dekker, I. F. (4)
Hirsch Ballin, Ernst De Visser, Maartje Stremler, Maarten Schyff, Gerhard van der (2)
Hirsch Ballin, Ernst Stremler, Maarten Schyff, Gerhard van der (2)
Hirsch Ballin, Ernst van der Schyff, Gerhard Stremler, Maarten (2)
Hirsch Ballin, Ernst van der Schyff, Gerhard Stremler, Maarten De Visser, Maartje (2)
Huls, Nick Bomhoff, Jacco Adams, Maurice (2)
Idriz, Narin Kassoti, Eva (4)
Jeßberger, Florian Mehta, Kalika Steinl, Leonie (2)
Jeßberger, Florian Steinl, Leonie Mehta, Kalika (2)
Kassoti, Eva Idriz, Narin (4)
Kiesow Cortez, Elif (4)
Kleffner, Jann K. (2)
Klinkert, Wim Bollen, Myriame Jansen, Marenne de Jong, Henk Kramer, Eric-Hans Vos, Lisette (2)
Klinkert, Wim Bollen, Myriame Vos, Lisette de Jong, Henk Kramer, Eric-Hans Jansen, Marenne (2)
Krajewski, Markus (2)
Kramer, X.E. van Rhee, C.H. (2)
Krieger, Heike Evdokimos Pantazopoulos, Stavros Lieblich, Eliav Kalmanovitz, Pablo (2)
Krieger, Heike Kalmanovitz, Pablo Lieblich, Eliav Evdokimos Pantazopoulos, Stavros (4)
Krieger, Heike Kalmanovitz, Pablo Lieblich, Eliav Mignot-Mahdavi, Rebecca (2)
Krieger, Heike Mignot-Mahdavi, Rebecca Lieblich, Eliav Kalmanovitz, Pablo (2)
Krieken, Peter van (4)
Kronenberger, Vincent (2)
Laczko, Frank (2)
Larouche, Pierre Cserne, Péter (2)
Lazic, Vesna Stuij, Steven (5)
Lazowski, Adam (2)
Lingaas, Carola Hayashi, Nobuo (2)
Lopez-Tarruella, Aurelio (3)
Lucas Pires, Martinho Pereira Coutinho, Francisco (3)
McDonald, Avril (5)
Mckay, David Krieken, Peter J. van (2)
McMahon, Belinda (2)
Mcmahon, Belinda (8)
Perruchoud, Richard Tömölova, Katarina (4)
Rigozzi, Antonio Duval, Antoine (5)
Stuij, Steven Lazi¿, Vesna (3)
Trifunovska, Snezana (4)
Van Krieken, Peter (3)
Wild, Alexander (3)
Abels, Denis (2)
Adem, Seada Hussein (4)
Allain, Jean (2)
Altunjan, Tanja (4)
Antonopoulos, Constantine (4)
Apostol, Ramona (2)
Atadjanov, Rustam (4)
Atilano, Tania Ixchel (4)
Baarsma, N. A. (4)
Balboni, Paolo (2)
Bantekas, Ilias (2)
Basedow, Jurgen (2)
Batura, Olga (2)
Bieker, Felix (4)
Blackshaw, Ian (2)
Blackshaw, Ian S. (6)
Block, Johannes (4)
Blockmans, Steven (2)
Boesten, Eke (2)
Boothby, William H. (2)
Bosters, Thijs (2)
Capone, Francesca (2)
De Weger, Frans (2)
Declerq, Peter (2)
Droesse, Gerd (3)
Eksteen, Riaan (4)
Ferguson Sidorenko, Olga (2)
Fischer, Horst (2)
Galushko, Artem (4)
Gherbaoui, Tarik (2)
Haljan, David (3)
Hartig, Annegret (4)
Hazelhorst, Monique (2)
Hillebrink, Steven (2)
Hirsch Ballin, Ernst M. H. Senden, Linda A. J. (2)
Hirsch Ballin, Marianne F. H. (2)
Hirsch Ballin, Marianne F.H. (2)
Hofstötter, Bernhard (2)
Ippolito, Francesca (4)
Jacobs, Melville Ludwig (2)
Kahimba, Nicksoni Filbert (4)
Kellermann, Alfred (2)
Kiestra, Louwrens R. (2)
Kim, Sangkul (2)
Klitou, Demetrius (2)
Kourtis, Dimitrios A. (2)
Kwik, Jonathan (2)
Lefever, Katrien (2)
Louw, Andre M. (3)
Macchi, Chiara (4)
MacNeil, Gillian (4)
Maguchu, Prosper (4)
Mantelero, Alessandro (4)
Manuvie, Ritumbra (4)
Margariti, Stella (2)
Massai, Leonardo (3)
Materu, Sosteness Francis (2)
Mathis, James (2)
McBride, Julie (2)
Meloni, Chantal (2)
Mendis, Dinusha K. (2)
Mestre, Alexandre Miguel (2)
Mifsud Bonnici, Jeanne P. (2)
Murray, Fiona (2)
Ndahinda, Felix Mukwiza (4)
Nieprzecka, Aleksandra (2)
Nijman, Janne Elisabeth (2)
Nistor, Laura (3)
Nitsche, Ingrid (2)
Nybondas, Maria L. (2)
O'Leary, Leanne (2)
Ojo-Adewuyi, Victoria (4)
Palombino, Fulvio Maria (2)
Parrish, Richard Miettinen, Samuli (2)
Pedreschi, Luigi F. (3)
Pedro, Ricardo (4)
Permanent Court of Arbitration (3)
Pitcher, Kelly (2)
Polanski, Paul P. (2)
Prins, J. (2)
Pustorino, Pietro (4)
Ramcharan, Bertrand (4)
Ramcharan, Robin (3)
Rijgersberg, Rudolf W. (2)
Rijken, Conny (2)
Rosenne, Shabtai (2)
Schmitt, Michael N. (4)
Schmon, Christoph (4)
Shaikhutdinova, Gulnara R. (4)
Soler, Christopher (3)
Suhr, Valérie V. (4)
Tibori Szabó, Kinga (3)
Vatsov, Mihail (4)
Várady, Tibor (3)
Weatherill, Stephen (3)
Werle, Gerhard (3)
Yankson-Mensah, Marian (4)
Zammit Borda, Aldo (4)
Zarra, Giovanni (4)
Zhu, Lei (4)
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International Humanitarian law (11)
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Englisch (996)
Palestine and the International Criminal Court
139,10 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
The Duty of Care of International Organizations Towards Their Civilian Personnel
235,40 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Humanness as a Protected Legal Interest of Crimes Against Humanity
139,10 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Human Dignity and Human Security in Times of Terrorism
192,60 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
The Role of the Highest Courts of the United States of America and South Africa, and the European Court of Justice in Foreign Affairs
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Services of General Economic Interest in EU Competition Law
139,10 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Volume 22 (2019)
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
EU External Action in International Economic Law
181,90 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Athletes’ Human Rights and the Fight Against Doping: A Study of the European Legal Framework
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Maritime Interception and the Law of Naval Operations
139,10 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
The Use of Force against Ukraine and International Law
160,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
NL ARMS Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2019
53,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Nuclear Non-Proliferation in International Law - Volume V
235,40 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Beyond Genocide: Transitional Justice and Gacaca Courts in Rwanda
139,10 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Athletes’ Human Rights and the Fight Against Doping: A Study of the European Legal Framework
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
International Criminal Law in Mexico
139,10 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law, Volume 22 (2019)
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Transitional Justice and a State’s Response to Mass Atrocity
171,20 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
EU External Action in International Economic Law
181,90 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2019
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Histories Written by International Criminal Courts and Tribunals
128,40 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Humanness as a Protected Legal Interest of Crimes Against Humanity
139,10 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Urgency and Human Rights
139,10 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Transitional Justice and Socio-Economic Rights in Zimbabwe
107,00 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
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