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Zu "nationalism" wurden 782 Produkte gefunden
Suchergebnis | Haupt Buchhandlung
Titel A-Z
Titel Z-A
Preis aufsteigend
Preis absteigend
Beste Ergebnisse
Brill | Schöningh (3)
De Gruyter (3)
De Gruyter Oldenbourg (6)
Deutscher Wissenschaftsverlag (1)
ibidem (13)
Nomos (3)
Palgrave Macmillan UK (365)
Palgrave Macmillan US (195)
Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften (2)
Peter Lang Group AG, International Academic Publishers (2)
Peter Lang Publishing Inc. New York (6)
Shaker (1)
Springer International Publishing (162)
Springer Netherland (2)
Springer Singapore (5)
V&R unipress (1)
Verbrecher (1)
Verlag Herder-Institut (5)
Verlag Julius Klinkhardt GmbH & Co. KG (1)
Buch (1)
Gebunden (418)
Kartoniert / Broschiert (358)
Abazovic, D. Velikonja, M. (2)
Agustín, Óscar García (2)
Ahmad, Irfan Kang, Jie (2)
Aktar, A. Kizilyürek, N. Ozkirimli, U. (2)
Alcoff, L. Hames-GarcÃa, M. Mohanty, S. (2)
Amanat, A. Vejdani, F. (2)
Ascher, W. Heffron, J. (2)
Balint, P. Latour, S. Guérard de (2)
Balkenhol, Markus van den Hemel, Ernst Stengs, Irene (2)
Barkan, Elazar Lang, Ariella (2)
Bechhofer, F. McCrone, D. (2)
Berend, Nora Bömelburg, Hans-Jürgen Brüggemann, Karsten Feinberg, Melissa Górny, Maciej Haslinger, Peter Horel, Catherine Hein-Kircher, Heidi Jobst, Kerstin S. Klich-Kluczewska, Barbara Kochanowski, Jerzy Konrád, Ota Kraft, Claudia Lübke, Christian Mazurek, Malgorzata Petrauskas, Rimvydas Tuchtenhagen, Ralph Wendland, Anna Veronika Wünsch, Thomas (2)
Blokker, Paul (2)
Bodemann, Y. (2)
Bojicic-Dzelilovic, V. Ker-Lindsay, J. Kostovicova, D. (2)
Bolton, Matthew Breay Njeri, Sarah Benjamin-Britton, Taylor (2)
Bourgault, Sophie Daigle, Julie (2)
Bowles, P. Harriss, J. (2)
Braathen, E. Bøås, M. Saether, G. (2)
Breen, K. O'Neill, S. (2)
Brown, A. (2)
Buzan, B. Gonzalez-Pelaez, A. (2)
Campling, Jo (2)
Chalcraft, J. Noorani, Y. (2)
Chamberlain, Tyler (2)
Cheng, G. (2)
Cheung, S. (2)
Chovanec, Johanna Heilo, Olof (2)
Christensen, Brandon (2)
Concannon, K. Lomelí, F. Priewe, M. (2)
Costa-Font, J. Greer, S. (2)
Craig, D. Thompson, J. (2)
Cronin, M. Regan, J. (2)
Dark, K.R. (2)
Dessein, B. (2)
Diefendorf, J. Ward, J. (2)
Dobbernack, J. Modood, T. (2)
Edmunds, T. Gaskarth, J. Porter, R. (2)
Elias, J. Gunawardana, S. (2)
Fenton, S. May, S. (2)
Fowler, W. (2)
Fox, Stephanie Boser, Lukas (2)
Garbaye, R. Schnapper, P. (2)
Garcia, José Luís Kaul, Chandrika Subtil, Filipa Santos, Alexandra (2)
Giulianotti, R. (2)
Gleadle, Kathryn Richardson, S. (2)
Grant, R. Short, J. (2)
Guelke, A. (2)
Haigron, David (2)
Healy, R. Lago, E. Dal (2)
Henderson, A. (2)
Heurlin, Bertel (2)
Holtug, N. Lippert-Rasmussen, K. Lægaard, S. (2)
Hudson, R. Bowman, G. (2)
Jallow, B. (2)
Jones, H. (2)
Judt, T. Lacorne, D. (2)
Kerslake, C. Öktem, K. Robins, P. (2)
King, Peter Rupesinghe, Kumar Vorkunova, Olga (2)
Kivisto, P. Wahlbeck, Ö. (2)
Konrád, Ota Barth, Boris Mrnka, Jaromír (2)
Kosicki, Piotr H. Lukasiewicz, Slawomir (2)
Krause, Jill Renwick, Neil (2)
Latawski, Paul (2)
Lee, J. Nedilsky, L. Cheung, S. (2)
Levin, Jamie (2)
Lewis-Beck, M. (2)
L’Hoeste, H. Fernández Irwin, R. Poblete, J. (2)
Madigan, Edward Reuveni, Gideon (2)
Makeham, J. Hsiau, A. (2)
Mar-Molinero, C. Stevenson, P. (2)
Marable, M. (2)
Markula, P. (2)
Matsuyama, Keisuke Matthews, Ron (2)
Mavengano, Esther Mhute, Isaac (4)
McCaffray, S. Melancon, M. (2)
McCrone, D. McPherson, G. (2)
McLaughlin, J. Phillimore, P. Richardson, D. (2)
Mielusel, Ramona Pruteanu, Simona Emilia (2)
Mole, R. (2)
Moreno-Luzón, Javier Nagore-Ferrer, María (2)
Mouritsen, P. (2)
Mulholland, Jon Montagna, Nicola Sanders-McDonagh, Erin (2)
Möser, Cornelia Ramme, Jennifer Takács, Judit (2)
Nabavi, N. (2)
Ndlovu-Gatsheni, Sabelo J. Ruhanya, Pedzisai (2)
Okome, M. (4)
Onwumechili, C. Akindes, G. (2)
Ozkirimli, U. (2)
Pang, Laikwan Clark, Paul Tsai, Tsan-Huang (2)
Pedriali, Federica G. Savettieri, Cristina (2)
Peled, Y. Spektorowski, A. (2)
Petric, B. (2)
Powell, C. (2)
Pugh, M. Cooper, N. Turner, M. (2)
Pullan, W. Baillie, B. (2)
Raudvere, Catharina (2)
Raudvere, Catharina Onur, Petek (2)
Renshon, S. Duckitt, J. (2)
Williams, Howard Boucher, David Sutch, Peter Reidy, David Koutsoukis, Alexandros (3)
Alam, S. (2)
Alecou, Alexios (2)
Alexander-Floyd, N. (2)
Ali Saleem, Raja M. (2)
Ambrosius, L. (2)
Amoah, M. (2)
Anand, D. (2)
Armstrong, Gary (2)
Arthur, Catherine E. (2)
Aschheim, S. (2)
Ayoub, Phillip Paternotte, David (2)
Barton, Brian Roche, Patrick J. (2)
Batt, C. (2)
Beauregard, Devin (2)
Bedford, O. Hwang, K. (2)
Bell, A. (2)
Ben-Ami, Shlomo (2)
Berger, D. (2)
Berger, S. Conrad, C. (2)
Bermek, Sevinç (2)
Biancardi, F. (2)
Bisley, N. (2)
Boukala, Salomi (2)
Brewis, G. (2)
Brooke, Nick (2)
Canning, C. (2)
Chalabi, T. (2)
Chandler, Andrea (2)
Chen, L. (2)
Chovanec, Kevin (2)
Cinalli, Manlio (2)
Claudio, Lisandro E. (2)
Clinton, D. (2)
Close, P. (2)
Coates, K. (2)
Cobb, J. (2)
Connell, John Aldrich, Robert (2)
Copsey, N. (4)
Corry, Olaf (2)
Cotton, J. (2)
Coyle, James J. (2)
Dallmayr, F. (2)
Day, Graham Miller, Robert (2)
Degli Esposti, Nicola (2)
Delbos, Stephan (2)
Dingley, J. (4)
Dingwerth, K. (2)
Dokken, K. (2)
Eliassi, B. (2)
Elling, R. (2)
Farrington, C. (2)
Fians, Guilherme (2)
Fisher, S. (2)
Forsting, Richard Meyer (2)
Franceschet, A. (2)
Freiner, N. (2)
Friend, J. (2)
Fuller, H. (2)
Gagnon, Alain-G (2)
Gallego, C. (2)
Garland, Jon Rowe, Michael (2)
Gibbons, I. (2)
Glass, B. (2)
Glenthøj, Rasmus Ottosen, Morten Nordhagen (2)
Gregor, J. (2)
Hameiri, S. (2)
Hammarlund, P. (2)
Han, Eileen Le (2)
Hanley, D. (2)
Hao, Lei (2)
Hawkesworth, Celia Heppell, Muriel Norris, Harry (2)
Hess, Peter (2)
Hupchick, D. Cox, H. (4)
Ichijo, Atsuko (2)
Idris, A. (3)
Ioannou, Gregoris (2)
Jahn, B. (2)
Jalata, A. (3)
Jallow, B. (2)
Jeffery, Charlie Wincott, Daniel (2)
Joppke, C. Morawska, E. (2)
Joyce, M. (2)
Kamusella, T. (3)
Kano, A. (2)
Kaplan, Danny (2)
Koohi-Kamali, F. (2)
Kriza, Elisa (2)
Kwan, J. (2)
Kösebalaban, H. (2)
Laguerre, M. (2)
Lambert, Peter (2)
Lawrence, Philip K. (2)
LeBlanc, J. Medine, Carolyn M. Jones (2)
Lee, Joseph Tse-Hei Nedilsky, Lida V. (2)
Majstorovic, Danijela Turjacanin, Vladimir (3)
NA, NA (3)
Sheyholislami, J. (3)
Suzman, M. (3)
Williams, J. (3)
Zheng, T. (3)
Africa (25)
Austria (8)
belonging (9)
Britain (10)
British Politics (22)
capitalism (8)
China (22)
Christianity (9)
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Cold War (15)
cold war (18)
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European Union (EU) (31)
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globalization (71)
Governance (31)
governance (11)
government (37)
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Institution (54)
Integration (13)
integration (8)
international relations (43)
Internet (8)
intervention (10)
Islam (19)
Israel (18)
language (11)
liberty (17)
Marx (8)
media (14)
memory (11)
migration (63)
Moral (8)
Nation (165)
nation (25)
national identity (82)
nationalism (777)
Nationalismus (15)
nature (9)
participation (13)
Policy (87)
political economy (11)
political science (13)
political theory (9)
Political Thought (8)
politics (194)
populism (17)
Protest (15)
psychology (10)
religion (28)
resistance (10)
revolution (53)
Russia (19)
russian and post-soviet politics (14)
socialism (14)
society (18)
sociology (21)
sovereignty (16)
Sport (8)
state (16)
transformation (32)
Transnational (25)
transnationalism (10)
Ukraine (8)
violence (27)
war (11)
women (24)
work (17)
1989 (2)
1990 (2)
1991 (2)
1994 (2)
1995 (2)
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2009 (2)
2010 (2)
2011 (2)
2012 (3)
2013 (3)
2014 (4)
2015 (3)
2021 (3)
Deutsch (10)
Englisch (771)
Rechtsextrem: Biografien nach 1945
69,95 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
A History of Creole Trinidad, 1956-2010
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Cycles of Hatred and Rage
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Discourses of Race and Rising China
107,00 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Cultural Policy and Industries of Identity
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Cultural Policy and Industries of Identity
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
The British Labour Party and the Establishment of the Irish Free State, 1918-1924
58,85 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Kinship in the Age of Mobility and Technology
117,70 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Political Symbols and National Identity in Timor-Leste
74,90 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
The Secular Sacred
117,70 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Simone Weil, Beyond Ideology?
128,40 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
The Rise of Hybrid Political Islam in Turkey
90,95 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Mobilizing Cultural Identities in the First World War
128,40 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Paradoxical Right-Wing Sexual Politics in Europe
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Cosmopolitanism and Transatlantic Circles in Music and Literature
69,55 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
The New Nationalism and the First World War
53,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Paradoxical Right-Wing Sexual Politics in Europe
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
The Ends of Empire
85,60 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Rethinking Stateless Nations and National Identity in Wales and the Basque Country
80,25 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Internationalism Toward Diplomatic Crisis
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Esperanto Revolutionaries and Geeks
90,95 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
British Romanticism in European Perspective
53,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Durkheim and National Identity in Ireland
53,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Narrated Empires
139,10 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
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