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Zu "mathematics education" wurden 187 Produkte gefunden
Suchergebnis | Haupt Buchhandlung
Titel A-Z
Titel Z-A
Preis aufsteigend
Preis absteigend
Beste Ergebnisse
Birkhäuser Boston (1)
Peter Lang Publishing Inc. New York (1)
Springer Berlin (4)
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (2)
Springer International Publishing (57)
Springer Netherland (78)
Springer Singapore (7)
Springer US (36)
WTM-Verlag (1)
Gebunden (88)
Kartoniert / Broschiert (93)
Kassette / Medienmix z.B. Audio und Buch (6)
Abreu, Guida de Bishop, Alan Presmeg, Norma C. (2)
Afamasaga-Fuata'i, Karoline (2)
Akerson, Valarie L. Buck, Gayle A. (2)
Bevan, Bronwyn Bell, Philip Stevens, Reed Razfar, Aria (2)
Bishop, Alan (2)
Bishop, Alan Clements, M.A. (Ken) Keitel-Kreidt, Christine Kilpatrick, Jeremy Laborde, Colette (2)
Bishop, Alan Clements, M.A. (Ken) Keitel-Kreidt, Christine Kilpatrick, Jeremy Leung, Frederick Koon-Shing (2)
Breitner, Michael Denk, Georg Rentrop, Peter (2)
Cai, Jinfa Knuth, Eric (2)
Christiansen, H. Howson, A.G. Otte, M. (2)
Clark, Julia V. (2)
Clark-Wilson, Alison Robutti, Ornella Sinclair, Nathalie (3)
Clarkson, Philip Presmeg, Norma C. (2)
Coben, D. O'Donoghue, J. FitzSimons, Gail E. (2)
Dewar, Jacqueline Hsu, Pao-sheng Pollatsek, Harriet (2)
Dolin, Jens Evans, Robert (2)
Even, Ruhama Loewenberg Ball, Deborah (2)
Fauvel, John van Maanen, J.A. (2)
Feurzeig, Wallace Roberts, Nancy (1)
Fou-Lai Lin Cooney, Thomas J. (2)
Fujita, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Yoshihiko Hodgson, Bernard R. Lee, Peng Yee Lerman, Steve Sawada, Toshio (1)
Furinghetti, Fulvia Karp, Alexander (2)
Galbraith, Peter L. Henn, Hans-Wolfgang Niss, Mogens (2)
Gates, Peter Jorgensen (Zevenbergen), Robyn (2)
Gerofsky, Susan (1)
Gravemeijer, K.P Lehrer, R. van Oers, H.J. Verschaffel, Lieven (2)
Hanna, Gila (2)
Hoffmann, Michael H.G. Lenhard, Johannes Seeger, Falk (2)
Huang, Rongjin Takahashi, Akihiko da Ponte, João Pedro (1)
Jahnke, Hans Niels Hefendehl-Hebeker, Lisa (1)
Kaiser, Gabriele Forgasz, Helen Graven, Mellony Kuzniak, Alain Simmt, Elaine Xu, Binyan (2)
Khine, Myint Swe (2)
Kieran, C. Forman, Ellice Ann Sfard, Anna (2)
Kieran, Carolyn (2)
Kilpatrick, Jeremy Hoyles, Celia Skovsmose, Ole (2)
Laborde, Colette Perrin-Glorian, Marie-Jeanne Sierpinska, Anna (2)
Larvor, Brendan (2)
Leavy, Aisling Meletiou-Mavrotheris, Maria Paparistodemou, Efi (2)
Lerman, Stephen (1)
Lerman, Steve (1)
Letzter, Gail Lauter, Kristin Chambers, Erin Flournoy, Nancy Grigsby, Julia Elisenda Martin, Carla Ryan, Kathleen Trivisa, Konstantina (2)
Mammana, C. Villani, V. (2)
Mansfield, C.S. Pateman, N.A. Bednarz, N. (2)
Matthews, Michael R. (2)
Niss, M. (4)
Nolte, Marianne (1)
Peter-Koop, Andrea Santos-Wagner, Vânia Breen, C.J. Begg, A.J.C (2)
Pohjolainen, Seppo Myllykoski, Tuomas Mercat, Christian Sosnovsky, Sergey (2)
Rabe, Florian Farmer, William M. Passmore, Grant O. Youssef, Abdou (1)
Radakovic, Nenad Jao, Limin (2)
Raizen, S. Britton, E.D. (2)
Rasteiro, Deolinda M. L. D. Yilmaz, Fatih Queiruga-Dios, Araceli Martín Vaquero, Jesús Mierlus Mazilu, Ion (1)
Rowland, Tim Ruthven, Kenneth (2)
Schmidt, W.H. McKnight, Curtis C. Raizen, S. (2)
Schmidt, W.H. Raizen, S. Britton, E.D. Bianchi, Leonard J. Wolfe, Richard G. (2)
Schuck, Sandy Pereira, Peter (2)
Sergeyev, Yaroslav D. Kvasov, Dmitri E. (1)
Sierpinska, Anna Kilpatrick, Jeremy (1)
Skovsmose, Ole Valero, Paola Christensen, Ole Ravn (2)
Stewart, Sepideh Andrews-Larson, Christine Berman, Avi Zandieh, Michelle (2)
Stillman, Gloria Ann Blum, Werner Kaiser, Gabriele (2)
Streefland, Leen (2)
Stylianides, Gabriel J. Hino, Keiko (2)
Sutherland, Rosamund Rojano, Teresa Bell, Alan Lins, Romulo (2)
Taylor, Peter Charles Wallace, John (2)
Thompson, Denisse R. Burton, Megan Cusi, Annalisa Wright, David (2)
Valero, Paola Zevenbergen, Robyn (2)
van Kerkhove, Bart van bendegem, jean paul (2)
Watson, Anne Winbourne, Peter (2)
Weigand, Hans-Georg McCallum, William Menghini, Marta Neubrand, Michael Schubring, Gert (1)
Yilmaz, Fatih Queiruga-Dios, Araceli Santos Sánchez, María Jesús Rasteiro, Deolinda Gayoso Martínez, Víctor Martín Vaquero, Jesús (2)
Abramovich, Sergei Freiman, Viktor (2)
Adler, J.B. (2)
Barton, Bill (2)
Bastian, Anton (1)
Borba, Marcelo C. Villarreal, Monica E. (2)
Bramanti, Marco Travaglini, Giancarlo (2)
Brown, Tony McNamara, Olwen (2)
Carreira, Susana Jones, Keith Amado, Nélia Jacinto, Hélia Nobre, Sandra (2)
Davis, Philip Hersh, Reuben Marchisotto, Elena Anne (1)
de Freitas, Elizabeth Walshaw, Margaret (2)
Filloy, Eugenio Rojano, Teresa Puig, Luis (2)
FitzSimons, Gail E. (2)
Freudenthal, Hans (2)
Ganter, Susan L. (2)
I, Ji Yeong Chang, Hyewon Son, Ji-Won (2)
Kemmis, Stephen Edwards-Groves, Christine (1)
Krause, Christina M (1)
Marshall, Gordon (2)
Mellin-Olsen, Stieg (2)
Nardi, Elena (2)
Newton, Xiaoxia A. (2)
Phillips, Linda M. Norris, Stephen P. Macnab, John S. (2)
Roth, Wolff-Michael (2)
Skovsmose, Ole (2)
Steinbring, Heinz (1)
Streefland, Leen (2)
Treffers, A. (2)
Vinner, Shlomo (1)
Walls, Fiona (2)
Watson, Anne (2)
13th congress on Mathematical Education (2)
Academic culture (2)
Action (2)
Alan Bishop (2)
algebra (16)
Arithmetic (8)
calculus (8)
Cognition (2)
communication (14)
computer science (4)
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) (2)
Concept mapping (2)
Contributions (2)
Counting (2)
curriculum (23)
Development (2)
Development of Mathematics (2)
difference equations (3)
digital technology in mathematics (3)
Directions (2)
early childhood education (6)
Education (6)
education (72)
Educational change (2)
educational research (8)
educational technology (7)
educational technology for mathematics (3)
educational theory (3)
elementary education (4)
elementary mathematics education (4)
embodied cognition (3)
Empirical Studies in Mathematics Education (2)
Engineering education (2)
engineering education (4)
epistemology (3)
Europe (2)
Evaluation (5)
evaluation (7)
Even (2)
Frobenius set (2)
function (10)
geometry (20)
Hans Freudenthal (2)
History of Mathematics (6)
history of mathematics (3)
HPST (2)
ICME-13 (4)
ICMI (4)
Identity (3)
Immanuel Kant (2)
Implications for Mathematics Education (2)
information (5)
Institution (2)
Integration (2)
Internet (2)
knowledge (5)
Knowledge production (2)
Korean Language Learners (2)
Korean students (2)
Korean teachers (2)
Language and Mathematics (2)
learning (20)
learning and instruction (34)
Learning Mathematics (2)
learning mathematics (4)
Lehrer (2)
Lie (2)
Linear Algebra tasks (2)
Locat (2)
Mathematics (6)
mathematics (67)
mathematics education (187)
mathematics teacher (5)
mathematics teacher education (3)
mathematics teaching (6)
mathematics teaching practice (3)
modeling (6)
number theory (3)
philosophy (4)
philosophy of mathematics (3)
politics (6)
problem solving (6)
Problem-solving (4)
professional development mathematics teacher (3)
science (5)
science education (15)
statistics (4)
STEM education (8)
teacher education (22)
teaching (5)
teaching and learning (6)
teaching mathematics (5)
technology education (4)
technology-mediated classroom practices (3)
Trainee Teachers (4)
Training (4)
variable (3)
visualization (10)
vocational education (4)
1983 (1)
1985 (2)
1986 (2)
1987 (1)
1988 (1)
1991 (1)
1992 (2)
1994 (1)
1996 (2)
1997 (1)
1998 (1)
2000 (1)
2001 (2)
2002 (2)
2003 (2)
2004 (1)
2005 (1)
2006 (1)
2007 (1)
2008 (1)
2009 (1)
2010 (1)
2011 (1)
2012 (1)
2013 (1)
2014 (1)
2015 (1)
2016 (1)
2017 (1)
2018 (2)
Englisch (187)
Traditions in German-Speaking Mathematics Education Research
53,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Critical Questions in STEM Education
139,10 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Youngsters Solving Mathematical Problems with Technology
53,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Youngsters Solving Mathematical Problems with Technology
53,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Critical Questions in STEM Education
139,10 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Intelligent Computer Mathematics
53,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Borders in Mathematics Pre-Service Teacher Education
107,00 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Improving Teacher Knowledge in K-12 Schooling
26,75 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
The Mathematics in Our Hands
53,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Understanding Education
96,30 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Shifts in the Field of Mathematics Education
53,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Contemporary Environmental and Mathematics Education Modelling Using New Geometric Approaches
58,85 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Enabling Students in Mathematics
53,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Enabling Students in Mathematics
53,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Borders in Mathematics Pre-Service Teacher Education
107,00 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Improving Teacher Knowledge in K-12 Schooling
96,30 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Numerical Computations: Theory and Algorithms
53,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Shifts in the Field of Mathematics Education
53,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Three Dimensions
374,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Making Sense of Mathematics Teacher Education
160,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching
909,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Perspectives on School Algebra
160,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Didactical Phenomenology of Mathematical Structures
235,40 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Mathematical Subjects
107,00 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
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