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Zu "Mathematical Logic and Foundations" wurden 530 Produkte gefunden
Suchergebnis | Haupt Buchhandlung
Titel A-Z
Titel Z-A
Preis aufsteigend
Preis absteigend
Beste Ergebnisse
Metzler-Pöschel (1)
Spektrum (4)
Springer (10)
Springer Basel (2)
Springer Berlin (1)
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (1)
Springer International Publishing (24)
Springer Nature EN (483)
Springer US (1)
Vieweg + Teubner (4)
Gebunden (171)
Kartoniert / Broschiert (355)
Kassette / Medienmix z.B. Audio und Buch (4)
Unbekannt (1)
Aalst, Wil van der Best, Eike (1)
Aberdein, Andrew Dove, Ian J (1)
Abramsky, Samson Kontinen, Juha Väänänen, Jouko Vollmer, Heribert (2)
Adamowicz, Zofia Bigorajska, Teresa Zdanowski, Konrad (1)
Aguirre, Anthony Foster, Brendan Merali, Zeeya (1)
Aiello, Marco Pratt-Hartmann, Ian Benthem, Johan van (1)
Aiswarya, C Sen, Prabal Kumar Srivastava, Shashi Mohan (1)
Akama, Seiki (2)
Alps, Robert A. (2)
Andreas, Holger Verdée, Peter (1)
Andréka, Hajnal Ferenczi, Miklós Németi, István (1)
Antos, Carolin Friedman, Sy-David Honzik, Radek Ternullo, Claudio (2)
Artemov, Sergei Nerode, Anil (1)
Atmanspacher, Harald Primas, Hans (2)
Baaz, Matthias Makowsky, Johann M. (1)
Bacchus, Fahiem Walsh, Toby (1)
Baeten, Jos C.M. Ball, Tom de Boer, Frank S. (1)
Bagaria, Joan Todorcevic, Stevo (1)
Baltag, Alexandru Seligman, Jeremy Yamada, Tomoyuki (1)
Baltag, Alexandru Smets, Sonja (1)
Baratgin, Jean Jacquet, Baptiste Brochier, Emmanuel Yama, Hiroshi (1)
BARTOCCI, CLAUDIO Betti, Renato Guerraggio, Angelo Lucchetti, Roberto (2)
Basin, David Rusinowitch, Michael (1)
Baskent, Can (1)
Baskent, Can Ferguson, Thomas Macaulay (1)
Baskent, Can Moss, Lawrence S. Ramanujam, Ramaswamy (1)
Bel-Enguix, Gemma Jiménez-López, M Dolores Martin-Vide, Carlos (1)
Bellahsene, Zohra Bonifati, Angela Rahm, Erhard (1)
Bengtsson, Gisela Säätelä, Simo Pichler, Alois (1)
Bert, Didier Bowen, Jonathan P. Henson, Martin C. Robinson, Ken (1)
Beziau, Jean-Yves Chakraborty, Mihir Dutta, Soma (1)
Biere, Armin Gomes, Carla P. (1)
Bilgic, Taner Baets, Bernard De Kaynak, Okays (1)
Bimbo, Katalin (1)
Bishop, Judith Vallecillo, Antonio (1)
Bjørner, Dines Henson, Martin C. (1)
Blanchette, Jasmin Mahboubi, Assia (1)
Blum, Edward K. Aho, Alfred V (1)
Blume, Matthias Kobayashi, Naoki Vidal-Oriola, Germán (1)
Boca, Paul Bowen, Jonathan P. Siddiqi, Jawed (1)
Boccuni, Francesca Sereni, Andrea (2)
Bodlaender, Hans L. Downey, Rodney Fomin, Fedor V. Marx, Dániel (1)
Bradfield, Julian (1)
Béziau, Jean-Yves Jacquette, Dale (1)
Caires, Luis Italiano, Guiseppe F. Monteiro, Luis Palamidessi, Catuscia Yung, Moti (1)
Calude, C.S. Dinneen, M.J. Sburlan, S. (1)
Calude, Cristian S. Calude, Elena Dinneen, Michael J. (1)
Calude, Cristian S. Kari, Jarkko Petre, Ion Rozenberg, Grzegorz (1)
Centrone, Stefania Negri, Sara Sarikaya, Deniz Schuster, Peter M. (1)
Chakraborty, Mihir K. Skowron, Andrzej Maiti, Manoranjan Kar, Samarjit (1)
Chen, Junghuei Reif, John (1)
Chomicki, Jan Meyden, Ron van der Saake, Gunter (2)
Chudnovsky, David Chudnovsky, Gregory (2)
Cimiano, Philipp Frank, Anette Kohlhase, Michael Stein, Benno (1)
Ciobanu, Gabriel Pérez-Jiménez, Mario J. Paun, Gheorghe (2)
Clarke, Edmund M. Henzinger, Thomas A. Veith, Helmut Bloem, Roderick (1)
Cook, Roy T. (1)
Cooper, Barry S. (2)
Cooper, S. Barry Soskova, Mariya I. (1)
Cooper, S.B. Löwe, Benedikt Sorbi, Andrea (1)
Cortadella, Jordi Reisig, Wolfgang (1)
Croitoru, Madalina Rudolph, Sebastian Wilson, Nic Howse, John Corby, Olivier (1)
Czarnecki, Krzysztof Hedin, Görel (1)
Czelakowski, Janusz (2)
Danks, David Ippoliti, Emiliano (2)
Dastani, Mehdi Hindriks, Koen V. Meyer, John-Jules (2)
Davis, Martin Schonberg, Edmond (1)
Day, Adam Fellows, Michael Greenberg, Noam Khoussainov, Bakhadyr Melnikov, Alexander Rosamond, Frances (1)
De Risi, Vincenzo (1)
Della Riccia, Giacomo Dubois, Didier Kruse, Rudolf Lenz, Hans-Joachim (1)
Desel, Jörg Reisig, Wolfgang Rozenberg, Grzegorz (1)
DeVidi, David Kenyon, Tim (1)
Droste, Manfred Kuich, Werner Vogler, Heiko (1)
Dubucs, Jacques Bourdeau, Michel (2)
Dybjer, P. Lindström, Sten Palmgren, Erik Sundholm, B.G. (1)
Ebbinghaus, Heinz-Dieter Kanamori, Akihiro (1)
Ebbinghaus, Heinz-Dieter Kanamori, Akihiro Fraser, Craig G. (1)
Ehrig, Hartmut Juhas, Gabriel Padberg, Julia Rozenberg, Grzegorz (1)
Eklund, Peter (1)
Esparza, Javier Lakos, Charles (1)
Ewald, William Hallett, Michael Majer, Ulrich Sieg, Wilfried (2)
Galavotti, Maria C. (2)
Garrido, Ángel Wybraniec-Skardowska, Urszula (2)
Gyori, Ervin Katona, Gyula O.H. Lovász, László (2)
Hansson, Sven Ove (2)
Hömberg, Dietmar Tröltzsch, Fredi (2)
Ippoliti, Emiliano Sterpetti, Fabio Nickles, Tom (2)
Ju, Shier Löwe, Benedikt Müller, Thomas Xie, Yun (2)
Keimel, Klaus Guo-Qiang Zhang Ying Ming Liu Yixiang Chen (2)
Loeb, Peter A. Wolff, Manfred P. H. (2)
Mancosu, P. Jørgensen, Klaus Frovin Pedersen, S.A. (2)
Martin-Vide, Carlos Mitrana, Victor Paun, Gheorghe (2)
Martín-Vide, Carlos Mitrana, V. (2)
Mugur-Schächter, Mioara van der Merwe, Alwyn (2)
Nation, James Trofimova, Irina Rand, John D. Sulis, William (2)
Odintsov, Sergei (2)
Paule, Peter (2)
Romanovsky, Alexander Thomas, Martyn (2)
Seising, Rudolf Trillas, Enric Moraga, Claudio Termini, Settimo (4)
van Ditmarsch, Hans Sandu, Gabriel (2)
Agazzi, Evandro (2)
Alexandru, Andrei Ciobanu, Gabriel (1)
Andrew, Alex M. (2)
Andrews, Peter B. (1)
Andriopoulos, Thodoris (1)
Andréka, Hajnal Németi, István Sain, Ildikó (1)
Angelov, Plamen P. (2)
Anshakov, Oleg M. Gergely, Tamás (1)
Antonsen, Roger (1)
Apt, Krzysztof R. de Boer, Frank S. Olderog, Ernst-Rüdiger (2)
Atanassov, Krassimir T. (1)
Atkinson, David Peijnenburg, Jeanne (2)
Baaz, Matthias Leitsch, Alexander (1)
Badouel, Eric Bernardinello, Luca Darondeau, Philippe (2)
Bargiela, Andrzej Pedrycz, Witold (1)
Bede, Barnabas (1)
Bell, John L. (1)
Belohlávek, Radim (2)
Bencivenga, Ermanno (2)
Berard, B. Bidoit, M. Finkel, A. Laroussinie, F. Petit, A. Petrucci, L. Schnoebelen, P. (1)
Bergstra, Jan A Middelburg, Cornelis A. (1)
Bertot, Yves Castéran, Pierre (2)
Bing-Yuan Cao (1)
Bochman, Alexander (1)
Bolc, Leonard Borowik, Piotr (2)
Bollig, Benedikt (2)
Bourbaki, N. (1)
Braüner, Torben (1)
Brewer, William D. (1)
Bridges, Douglas S. Vîta, Luminita Simona (1)
Bultan, Tevfik Yu, Fang Alkhalaf, Muath Aydin, Abdulbaki (2)
Buscema, Paolo Massimo Massini, Giulia Breda, Marco Lodwick, Weldon A. Newman, Francis Asadi-Zeydabadi, Masoud (2)
Butler, Alastair (1)
Calude, Cristian S. (1)
Cantone, Domenico Ursino, Pietro (1)
Carlsson, Christer Fedrizzi, Mario Fuller, Robert (2)
Carnielli, Walter Pizzi, Claudio (2)
Castillo, Oscar Melin, Patricia (2)
Cellucci, Carlo (2)
Corbett, Dan (2)
Crabbe, Stephen (2)
Craig, William Lane (2)
Diaconescu, Razvan (2)
Doberkat, Ernst-Erich (2)
Ebbinghaus, Heinz Dieter Peckhaus, Volker (2)
Ehrig, Hartmut Ehrig, Karsten Prange, Ulrike Taentzer, Gabriele (2)
Euzenat, Jérôme Shvaiko, Pavel (2)
Ferguson, Thomas Macaulay (2)
Fey, Görschwin Drechsler, Rolf (2)
Flum, J. Grohe, M. (2)
Gabbay, Dov M. (2)
Gabbay, Dov M. Schlechta, Karl (3)
Giustolisi, Rosario (2)
Givant, Steven (2)
Gokhale, Maya B. Graham, Paul S. (2)
Gorrieri, Roberto (2)
Halbeisen, Lorenz J. (2)
Hesseling, Dennis E. (2)
Hoffmann, Dirk W. (3)
Huang, Chongfu Shi, Yong (2)
Hudec, Miroslav (2)
Iacona, Andrea (3)
Jech, Thomas (2)
Jongsma, Calvin (2)
Kaci, Souhila (2)
Kane, Jonathan M. (2)
Kanovei, Vladimir Reeken, Michael (2)
Kaufmann, Michael (2)
Kohlenbach, Ulrich (2)
Koppitz, Jörg Denecke, Klaus (2)
Lee, John A. Verleysen, Michel (2)
Mares, Milan (2)
Marquis, Jean-Pierre (2)
Meduna, Alexander Zemek, Petr (2)
Metcalfe, George Olivetti, Nicola Gabbay, Dov M. (2)
Mittelstaedt, Peter Weingartner, Paul A. (2)
Montano, Ulianov (2)
Mordeson, John N. Nair, Premchand S. (2)
Muresan, Marian (2)
Niskanen, Vesa A (2)
Odintsov, Sergei (2)
Paun, Gheorghe (2)
Petrich, Mario Reilly, Norman R. (2)
Posthoff, Christian Steinbach, Bernd (2)
Pudlák, Pavel (2)
Ramík, Jaroslav Vlach, Milan (2)
Rodin, Andrei (2)
Sannella, Donald Tarlecki, Andrzej (2)
Sato-Ilic, Mika (2)
Soare, Robert I. (2)
Soifer, Alexander (2)
Stillwell, John (2)
Tkachuk, Vladimir V. (2)
Trillas, Enric (2)
Urbaniak, Rafal (2)
van Atten, Mark (2)
Xu, Yang Ruan, Da Qin, Keyun Liu, Jun (2)
Zermelo, Ernst (2)
Zhou, Chaochen Hansen, Michael R. (2)
Živný, Stanislav (2)
Algebra (49)
Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity (32)
Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (20)
Algorithms (38)
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Computer programming / software engineering (67)
computer science (208)
Computer Science Logic and Foundations of Programming (30)
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Mathematical foundations (267)
Mathematical logic (498)
Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages (227)
Mathematical Logic and Foundations (531)
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Philosophie: Logik (36)
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Philosophy of Science (39)
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Religion and Philosophy (87)
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Software Engineering (72)
Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems (37)
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Deutsch (20)
Englisch (511)
LOGIC: Lecture Notes for Philosophy, Mathematics, and Computer Science
64,20 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Universal Algebraic Logic
64,15 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Logic, Rationality, and Interaction
53,50 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
A.P. Morse’s Set Theory and Analysis
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
A.P. Morse’s Set Theory and Analysis
149,80 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
LOGIC: Lecture Notes for Philosophy, Mathematics, and Computer Science
64,20 CHF*
In den Warenkorb
Institution-independent Model Theory
192,60 CHF*
Rough Sets
0,00 CHF*
Automated Theorem Proving
0,00 CHF*
Mathematics, Computer Science and Logic - A Never Ending Story
0,00 CHF*
Mathematics of Discrete Structures for Computer Science
0,00 CHF*
Cambridge and Vienna
0,00 CHF*
Type-2 Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Applications
0,00 CHF*
Functional and Logic Programming
0,00 CHF*
Quantum Mechanics, Mathematics, Cognition and Action
0,00 CHF*
Abstraction, Refinement and Proof for Probabilistic Systems
0,00 CHF*
Around and Beyond the Square of Opposition
0,00 CHF*
Janus-Faced Probability
0,00 CHF*
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2006
0,00 CHF*
Semantic Processing of Legal Texts
0,00 CHF*
Modalities and Multimodalities
0,00 CHF*
Industrial Deployment of System Engineering Methods
0,00 CHF*
Fuzzy Geometric Programming
0,00 CHF*
Inductive Fuzzy Classification in Marketing Analytics
0,00 CHF*
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