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David Kerler, Martin Middeke (eds.) Romantic Ecologies Selected Papers from the Augsburg Conference of the German Society for English Romanticism ISBN 978-3-98940-003-0 326 S., 19 Abb. EUR 36,50 Romanticism is characterized by a new understanding of nature and environment. Nature does no longer function as a mere purpose-oriented setting, but rather as an affective and emotional context of communication with the observing or experiencing subject. The numerous aesthetic ways in which this dialogical interrelationship between subjective experience and scenic object of nature is captured in Romantic literature/art makes Romanticism a ‘proto-ecological’ movement, and today, in times of a world-wide ecological and environmental crisis, Romanticism’s critical explorations of the complex interdependencies between humankind, nature, the environment and aesthetics seem to be relevant as never before. Scrutinizing the strong affinity between Romanticism and environmental issues allows for an insight into the fragile and precarious networks between various ecosystems, human agency and (post )industrial society in the Anthropocene. The various contributions to this volume, gathered from the 19th international conference of the German Society for English Romanticism (GER) at Augsburg in 2022, address this new understanding of nature inherent to British Romanticism, explore its relevance for the discourse of environmental humanities in the twenty-first century, and also reconsider the relation between humankind, nature/ the environment/ecology and aesthetics in (and through) British Romanticism both in (meta )theory and practice. CONTENTS DAVID KERLER AND MARTIN MIDDEKE Romantic Ecologies: Introduction 1 ANGELA ESTERHAMMER Nature, Settlement, and History in John Galt's Transatlantic Tales 17 MARIE HOLOGA Imaginative Geography and the 'Planter Picturesque' in Colonial Histories of the Long 18th Century 27 SOPHIA LANGE Of Solitary Wanderers and Natural Entanglements: William Godwin's Socio-political Criticism as Romantic Ecopoetics 43 UTE BERNS Energy Ecologies in Joanna Baillie's "Address to a Steam-Vessel" (1823) 57 SHINYA MATSUZAKI Animism Has Always Mattered—Naturally among English Romantics 75 YUKO OTAGAKI Diverse Environmental Aesthetics in European Romantic Pastorals: Milkmaid Songs from the Wave of the Genius Craze 91 THERESA M. KELLEY Prophecy, Epigenesis and Futurity 107 DEWEY W. HALL The Ecology of the Goslar Verses: Weather, Pico Viejo, and Material Objects 127 SEBASTIAN ØRTOFT RASMUSSEN Sensing the World as Interconnected: Charlotte Smith's Geological Poetry 149 JONATHAN CULLER Addressing Nature 171 STEFANIE JOHN Romantic Childhood, Education, and Activism in Dara McAnulty's Diary of a Young Naturalist 185 REBEKKA ROHLEDER Mediated Nature in Mary Shelley's Keepsake Stories 201 IAN DUNCAN Environmental Aesthetics: Dorothy Wordsworth in Scotland 215 HÉLÈNE IBATA From "Delightful Horror" to Ecological Warning: The Uses of the Sublime in Romantic and Post-Industrial Landscapes 229 CYNTHIA CHASE The Survival of Ossian: Coming Up against Translation in Goethe's Werther 251 CATHERINE JONES "Translations" from Poetry to Music: Concepts of Nature in Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (1812–18) and Liszt's Album d'un voyageur (1842) 267 CHRISTOPH REINFANDT Romantic Ecologies for the 21st Century? From Charlotte Smith's "Apostrophe to an Old Tree" to Suzanne Simard's Finding the Mother Tree 279 TILOTTAMA RAJAN The Textual Ecology of Schelling's First Outline of a System of the Philosophy of Nature (1799) 293 List of Contributors 313
ISBN: 9783989400030
Sprache: Englisch
Seitenzahl: 326
Produktart: Kartoniert / Broschiert
Herausgeber: Kerler, David Middeke, Martin
Verlag: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier
Veröffentlicht: 26.09.2023
Untertitel: Selected Papers from the Augsburg Conference of the German Society for English Romanticism
Schlagworte: Animism British Romanticism Byron Mary Shelley Romanticism and ecology Romanticism and nature William Godwin