Qualitative Research With Diverse and Underserved Communities
The purpose of the book is to provide a description and explanation of various qualitative methods and mechanisms of analysis with case study examples. The book will introduce theory, methods, and techniques and can serve as a "field guide" for practice. Though there are many books which describe qualitative research, this book is designed from its inception as a guide to inquiry with individuals from and groups and communities which are underrepresented, marginalized and/or socially disadvantaged. With this purpose, the book focuses on the meaningfulness of qualitative approaches framed by a commitment to social justice and considers qualitative research with the imperative of involving voiceless, marginalized, unrepresented, or devalued populations. We anticipate the book will be useful for teachers of qualitative research and evaluation, practitioners, dissertation students considering qualitative methods and as a ready reference (i.e., a field guide). The authors/editors believe this book will expand national conversations about social justice, address voids in the literature and gaps in public policy informed by social justice and inform the general body of knowledge concerning qualitative research.