Public-private partnership contracts
For the implementation of development projects of a very large technical and financial scale in Cameroon, public persons who are unable to carry them out can, since a law of December 29, 2006, under certain conditions, entrust a company, private persons or other public persons with a global mission whose objective is to finance, design, manage, carry out, maintain, transform and operate public works or equipment for a long period of time in exchange for payment. This major innovation, which is now 16 years old and which adds to the existing normative system of public procurement, without however having brought perfection, encourages a better supervision of public-private partnership contracts in Cameroon. The study of Cameroonian legislation in the light of the texts of other OHADA member countries and that of France, which we propose to do, will lead us to suggestions for improving the legal framework.
EVINA Joseph Valerie holds a PhD in public law from the University of Douala, Cameroon. Author, writer, researcher and academic, he is a specialist in public contract law, public business law and public law in general. He is also a researcher at CREDA. He is also an associate professor at INJS in Cameroon.