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There are many reasons which induced me to choose this subject for a thesis. mention only the most important one. I would like to Between 1942 and 1945, while in the South African Medical Corps, I was posted to the Wynberg Military Hospital. During this time I was closely associated with the urological service of the hospital. It struck me very forcibly how many soldiers were off duty on account of a genito-urinary complaint. In the majority of these the diagnosis was prostatovesicuJ. 1tis; and it must be stressed, as it has been done by many others, that an infection with the gonococcus was the exciting cause in no more than one half the number of cases. I formed the opinion that more soldiers were off duty on account of prostato- . vesictilltis than for any other single disease. Quite a number of them remained the best part of a year in hospital. I had the good fortune to become wellacquainted with this clinical entity. The diagnosis, management and treatment of these cases requires patience and expert ~\raining. Except in the mildest cases the treatment is very protracted. In some of them the condition remains baffling and the results are disappointing.