Primary Hypothyroidism & Trace elements in longevity through embryo
The mobilization and uptake of egg trace mineral stores is mediated by the extra-embryonic membranes, principally the yolk sac membrane. The yolk sac also serves as a short-term storage site for trace minerals. Because it is an important site of plasma protein synthesis, the yolk sac has the ability to regulate the export of trace minerals to the embryo during development. Within the embryo, specific metaloproteins function in the interorgan transport cellular uptake, and intracellular storage of trace minerals. Thus, embryonic trace mineral homeostasis is established through the coordinated actions of the yolk sac, which mobilizes and exports trace minerals derived from egg stores; the vitelline circulation, which transports them to the embryo; and the liver, which accumulates trace minerals and distributes them to the rest of the tissues of the embryo via the embryonic circulation.
Monsieur El Hassane Sidibe, Médecin, Médaillé de la Société Médicale des Hôpitaux de Paris. Professeur titulaire d¿Endocrinologie, Académie des Sciences de New-York, Académie Européenne des Sciences, des Arts et des Lettres.