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Thoroughly updated, incorporating around 25 % new material, Sewald/Jakubke remains the only modern and scientifically up-to-date advanced textbook on peptide biochemistry, distilling the knowledge of hundreds of publications into a highly readable synopsis of this diverse field. The authors explain the broad fundamentals of peptide synthesis and structure, systematically addressing important families of biologically active peptides, and adopting an interdisciplinary approach that covers application areas in biotechnology, pharmaceutical science, and biomedicine. One major focus is on such "hot" research topics as pseudopeptides, peptidomimetics, and combinatorial synthesis. This new edition also features study questions for each learning unit, for easier self-study and classroom teaching. Der "Sewald/Jakubke" ist und bleibt das einzige moderne, auf dem neuesten wissenschaftlichen Stand gehaltene fortgeschrittene Lehrbuch der Peptid-Biochemie! Auch für diese zweite, um ein Viertel erweitere Auflage haben die Autoren Hunderte von Publikationen gelesen und zu einem informativen und vollständigen Überblick über das Fachgebiet zusammengefasst. Nach einer Einführung in die Grundlagen der Peptidstruktur und -synthese werden die wichtigsten Familien biologisch aktiver Peptide systematisch abgehandelt. Mit interdisziplinärem Anspruch werden dann wichtige Anwendungen aus der Biotechnologie, Pharmazie und Biomedizin besprochen. Selbstverständlich werden auch Themen der Spitzenforschung berücksichtigt, zum Beispiel Pseudopeptide, Peptidmimetika und Aspekte der kombinatorischen Synthese. -- Neu in dieser Auflage sind Fragen und Übungsaufgaben, die das Nacharbeiten von Vorlesungen oder das Selbststudium erleichtern.
Norbert Sewald studied Chemistry at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, where he also obtained his PhD degree. After postdoctoral work with J. E. Baldwin in Oxford, UK, he became an Assitant Professor at Leipzig University. Since 1999 he is full Professor at the University of Bielefeld where he holds the chair in Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry. His main scientific interest is in peptide chemistry, bioactive peptides., and their application in biochemistry and medical sciences. He has authored more than 120 publications and together with Hans-Dieter Jakubke, has written the book Peptides from A - Z, also published by Wiley-VCH.   Hans-Dieter Jakubke studied Chemistry at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. After finishing his PhD and postdoctoral work with Josef Rudinger in Prague (Czeck Republic), he was appointed Assistant Professor at the Department of Biochemistry in Halle, and Full Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Leipzig in 1977. He was director of the Department of Biochemistry from 1993-1997 and member of the Council of the European Peptide Society from 1990-1994. He authored several textbooks and encyclopedias on various aspects of chemistry and biochemistry including peptide research.