The Boltzmann local physical kinetics forecasts the destruction of the superconductivity regime because of the heat movement of particles. Then the most fundamental distinction between a strange metal and a conventional metal is the absence of well-defined quasi-particles. We show that the mentioned ¿quasi-particles¿ are solitons, which are formed as a result of self-organization of ionized matter. Shortcomings of the Boltzmann physical kinetics consist in the local description of the transport processes on the level of infinitely small physical volumes as elements of diagnostics. The non-local physics leads to the theory of superconductivity including the high temperature diapason.
Head of Physics Department of the Moscow Fine Chemical Technology Institute, Visiting Professor of the University of Alabama (Huntsville, USA).Visiting Professor of the University of Provence (Marseille, France).Meritorious Science and Technics Worker of USSR and Russian Federation (RF). Meritorious Worker of the Higher Professional Education RF.