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Learn your first 500 Korean words and thousands of related words and expressions that you can start using right away in your everyday conversations in Korean! 50 days x 10 words each day = 500 words But that’s not it. Each word is accompanied by many related words and expressions, so in the end you will be learning thousands of useful Korean expressions, in context. And all the key words are presented to you through context, through a story. After studying with each day’s worth of words, you can also get the full story in Korean! And to also make it even easier for you to remember the word you study, we provide two types of review exercises.
ISBN: 9791186701614
Sprache: Englisch metaCatalog.groups.language.options.korean
Seitenzahl: 495
Produktart: Kartoniert / Broschiert
Verlag: Korean Book Services
Veröffentlicht: 01.10.2021
Schlagworte: Koreanisch Koreanisch lernen koreanische Sprache