My Feelings Make Me Stronger
Finding the right kid's books about emotions and feelings can be a challenge. This kids book provides multiple story points to help develop emotional intelligence for kids. This book of feelings for children delivers an engaging and educational story. The book about emotions for kids starts with little Nick not recognizing his emotions. Then, several animals help him see the bigger picture of his mental health and emotions as the children's story progresses. In this kids book about emotions he is experiencing frustration, fear, worry, shyness, happiness, sadness, and angry feelings. Throughout the children book on emotions, the story covers these in a fun way kids can relate to. This social emotional book for kids is meant to be read to and with children. The feelings book for kids contains beautiful illustrations, easy-to-follow text, and a rhyming scheme that's easy for new readers to follow.Helps kids identify emotion Teaches mindfulness Inspires self-regulation Address anger management Helps with emotional regulation for kids ¿ The children's book refers to animal characters to convey social emotional learning for kids, including preschoolers. The preschool book on feelings is part of the larger World of Kids Emotions series that addresses feelings and emotions for kids. Add this feelings book for kids to your child's library today!
Elizabeth Cole, madre devota di due figli, incanala la sua profonda conoscenza delle emozioni infantili in storie accattivanti per bambini. Supportata da un team di esperti in psicologia, terapia infantile, insegnamento ed educazione della prima infanzia, Elizabeth crea libri che risuonano profondamente con i giovani lettori e con chi se ne prende cura. Il suo Amazon bestseller "I confini personali mi rendono più forte" e i suoi successi mondiali, come "La diversità ci rende più forti" e "Sconfiggere la rabbia", sono stati accolti con entusiasmo da lettori ed educatori, e i suoi libri vengono utilizzati nelle classi di tutto il mondo come parte dei programmi di apprendimento socio-emotivo.