Models of Social Intervention and Constructionism
A multidisciplinary look at experiences of social intervention in various social contexts, taking the approaches of social constructionism as a theoretical approach, considering the way social work intervention models are built, their foundation, and their application, providing findings on tested models in specific scenarios.
Laura Karina Castro Saucedo, PhD, is full-time professor at the School of Social Work, Autonomous University of Coahuila (UAdeC), Mexico. Dr. Castro Saucedo has published books, book chapters, and journal articles. She has been a consultant at the U.S. Agency for International Development evaluating programs of social intervention in partnership with the nongovernmental organization "Pro Superación Familiar." She has been a member of the International Federation of Social Workers and belongs to the board of professors that manages the master's degree program of Social Intervention Models Based in Social Constructionism.Fernando Bruno, PhD, is professor at the School of Social Work, Autonomous University of Coahuila (UAdeC), Mexico. Dr. Bruno has published books and journal papers. He has collaborated with the Center of Investigations and Studies in Sociology in Portugal on topics such as welfare, sexuality, and the elderly. His is a member of the National Researchers System. Dr. Bruno is currently working on support networks for the elderly and is also writing about social constructionism. He is currently part of the Taos Institute as an Institute Associate.César Arnulfo De León Alvarado, is professor at the School of Social Work, Autonomous University of Coahuila (UAdeC), Mexico. Dr. Leon Alvarado has published book chapters and several journal papers. He has collaborated with several public and private organizations to create intervention programs to develop emotional skills for the welfare of people in vulnerable situations. He has collaborated on the research project "Diagnosis and analysis of the social impact related to culture, legality, public services and social participation because of the exploration and exploitation of shale gas/oil" (2015), promoted by the National Mexican Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT). He has been a member of the International Federation of Social Workers since 2016.
A multidisciplinary look at experiences of social intervention in various social contexts, taking the approaches of social constructionism as a theoretical approach, considering the way social work intervention models are built, their foundation, and their application, providing findings on tested models in specific scenarios.