Intelligence Quotient, Emotional intelligence, Social intelligence
This study presents the effect of gender and stream on Emotional intelligence, Intelligence Quotient and Social intelligence. Emotional intelligence is an important element in enhancing individual¿s ability and skills in communication and interpersonal relations. Being excellence in general intelligence (IQ) alone will not guarantee success in life. SI involves identifying key interaction skills and then assessing them behaviorally. EQ, IQ and Si make an important role and human life. The study was conducted to explore the comparison of emotional quotient, intelligence quotient and Social intelligence among gender (boys and girls) and stream (art and science).
Dr. Mukesh Kumar Panth is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Nehru P. G. College, Lalitpur (Uttar Pradesh), India. He has specialization in counselling psychology and his research area is emotions, published several papers in international journals in the field of emotions.