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To accommodate the inherent non-linearity and non-stationarity of many natural time series, empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) provide an adaptive and efficient method. The HHT is based on the local characteristic time scale of the data. The HHT method provides not only a precise definition in time-frequency representation than the other conventional signal processing methods, but also more physically meaningful interpretation of the underlying dynamic processes. The EMD also works as a filter to extract the variability of signals with different scales and is applicable to non-linear and n- stationary processes. This promising algorithm has been applied in many fields since it was developed, but it has not been applied to hydrological and climatic time series. The discussion in this book starts with several simulated data sets in order to investigate the capability of this method and to compare it to other conventional frequency-domain analysis methods that assume stationarity. Rainfall, streamflow, temperature, wind speed time series and lake temperature data are investigated in this study. The aim of the work is to investigate periodicity, long term oscillations and trends embedded in these data by using HHT. The analysis is performed in both the time and frequency domains. The results from HHT are compared to those from the multi-taper method (MTM) which is based on Fourier Transform of the data.
I. GENERAL INFORMATIONName: A. Ramachandra RaoDate of Birth: 23 October 1939Academic RecordSchool Attended Degree DateUniversity of Illinois 1964-68 Ph.D. 1968University of Minnesota 1962-64 M.S.C.E. 1964University of Mysore (India) 1956-60 B.E. 19601. Professional Experience:Employer Position DateUniversity of Mysore Lecturer in Civil 1960-62(India) EngineeringUniversity of Minnesota Research Assistant 1962-64University of Illinois Research Assistant 1964-68Purdue University Visiting Assistant 1968-70ProfessorPurdue University Assistant Professor 1970-73Govt. of New Zealand NRAC Senior Research Fellow 1977-78Purdue University Associate Professor 1973-80Purdue University Professor 1980-Construction Engineering Visiting Faculty May-July, 1983Research Laboratory Member 1983Purdue University Acting Head, Hydraulics 1983-84and Systems Engineering AreaIndian Institute of Science, Visiting Professor of Jan-July,Bangalore, India Civil Engineering 1989University of Illinois, Visiting Professor of Jan-MayUrbana, IL Civil Engineering 19982. Awards, Honors, CitationsAwarded a Senior Research Fellowship by the National Research Advisory Council, Government of New Zealand, for research in hydrology with the Ministry of Works and Development during 1977-78.Awarded (but not accepted) a "Senior Scientist Fellowship" by the Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation, West Germany (1977).Awarded (but not accepted) the "C.H. Munro Fellowship" of the Water Research Foundation of Australia, for research in Hydrology, at Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, Australia (1977).Honorary SocietiesMember, Chi Epsilon, Sigma XiCitationsAmerican Men and Women of ScienceWho's Who inthe MidwestWho's Who in Frontier Science and TechnologyWho's Who in Science and EngineeringWho's Who, Environmental RegistryWho’s Who in the WorldWho’s Who in American EducationInvited Activities and LecturesInvited by UNESCO to attend the "International Symposium on Hydrologic Aspects of Droughts", New Delhi, 3-8 December 1979.Member, American Delegation to the XVIII General Assembly, IUGG, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany, August 15-27, 1983.Invited Specialist, IAWPRC Seminar on "Rainfall as the Basis for Urban Runoff Design and Analysis", Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, August 24-26, 1983.Invited lecture, "Detection of Climatic Changes in Hydrologic Time Series". Eighth IHD Endowment Lecture, Anna University, Madras, India, April 13, 1989.Keynote lecture, "Bayesian Unit Hydrographs" International Conference on Hydrology and Water Resources, Delhi, India, December, 1993.Member, Editorial Board of "Water Science and Technology Library", Kluwer Academic Publishers B.V. Dordrecht, The Netherlands, (1993-99).Editor, "Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering", ASCE, 1992 - 1998.Keynote lecture, "Bayesian Unit Hydrographs" International Conference on Hydrology and Water Resources, Delhi, India, December, 1993.Founder/honorary member, "Center of Resource Management and Eco-development Studies", I.I.T., Delhi, 1994.Fellow, Indian Association of Hydrologists."Edmund M. Burke Outstanding Civil Engineering Professor", School of Civil Engineering, Purdue University, April 1995.Invited paper, "Principal Component Analysis of Hydrologic Data", A.R. Rao and T.T. Burke, Jr., NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Integrated Approach to Environmental Data Systems", Izmir, Turkey, Sept. 16-20, 1996.Invited to deliver a keynote paper in the International Symposium on "Emerging Trends inHydrology", Department of Hydrology, University of Roorkee, India, Sept. 25-27, 1997.tßp, Dean Marion B. Scott 1997 Exemplary Character Award, Purdue University.Invited speaker, Int. Conference on Water, Environment, Ecology, Socio-Economics and Health Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 18-21, 1999.Invited speaker, Int. Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development, Roorkee, India, Dec. 2000.Invited speaker, Golden Jubilee Celebration of the Civil Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, July 2001.Keynote Address, "Studies in Regionalization of Watersheds,” International Conference on Water and Environment, Bhopal, India, 20 pp., Dec. 15-18, 2003.State and National OfficesChairman of the Engineering Division of the Indiana Academy of Sciences (1978-79)3. Society Memberships and ActivitiesMember, American Society of Civil EngineersMember, American Association for the Advancement of ScienceMember, American Geophysical UnionMember, International Association for Hydraulic ResearchNational Committee ActivityMember, Task Committee on Rainfall-Runoff QualityData Systems, Urban Water Resources Council, ASCE (1970-71)Member, Task Committee on Effects of Urbanization on Low Flow, TotalRunoff, Infiltration and Groundwater Recharge, ASCE (1974-76)Member, Surface Water Hydrology Committee, Hydraulics Division,American Society of Civil Engineers (1979-present)Member, Committee on Surface Water, Irrigation and DrainageDivision, American Society of Civil Engineers (1979-present).Member, Control Group (1982-present), Vice Chairman (1983-84).Chairman (1984-85), Past Chairman (1985-86)Member, Committee on Hydrology, American Meteorological Society (1985-87)Member, TaskCommittee on Risk, Hydraulics Division, ASCE (1984-85).Member, Task Committee on Infiltration Manual, Surface Water Committee, Irrigation andDrainage Division, ASCE (1986-present)Member, Control Group, Publications Committee, Irrigation and Drainage Division, ASCE (1986-present)Member, AGU Committee on Education and Human Resources (1986-1990)Associate Editor, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE, (1990-1992)Chairman, Task Committee on Droughts, Irrigation and Drainage Division, ASCE, (1990-1992)Editor, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE (1992-1998)Chairman, Task Committee on Droughts, Irrigation and Drainage Division, ASCE, (1990-1992)Chairman, Task Committee on Engineering Approaches to Coping with Droughts, Water Resources Engineering Division, (1994-1996)Associate Editor, Journal of Irrigation Engineering, ASCE, (1990-1992)Member, Surface Water Hydrology Committee, Water Resources Division, ASCE (1986-present)Chairman, Committee on Publications, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, ASCE, (1992 - 98)Member, Task Committee on "Role of Run On Effect on Surface and Subsurface Hydrologic Process”, ASCE, Surface Water Committee (2005-2008).4. Consulting Activities1. Forest Hills Country Club, Richmond, Indiana. Design of Water Main (1969).2. The Engineers Collaborative, 110 East Ontario Street, Chicago. Hydrologic design and development of control systems for the flood control reservoir on the north branch of the Chicago River, Deerfield, Illinois (1969-71).3. Tippecanoe County Surveyor's Office, Industrial park drainage study (1971).4. "Save Newburgh Waterfront Society", Newburgh, Indiana. Effects of lock and dam construction on the Ohio River on the bank erosion at Newburgh, Indiana (1972).5. Consultant on Storm Water Flow Measurement into Sewage TreatmentPlants of Indianapolis; M.D. Wessler & Assoc. Indianapolis, Indiana (1979-80).6. Consultant to the city of Greencastle, Indiana, on surcharge in sewer systems in Greencastle (1981).7. Consultant to the State of Indiana, Office of the Attorney General, in the matter of the Boundary dispute between Indiana and Kentucky, 1981.8. Consultant in the Matter of Amazon Dam Failure, Indiana 1984.9. Wolf Construction Co., Logansport, IN. 1985.10. The city of Portage, IN. 1985.11. "Mary E. Vinton Estates", Lafayette, IN 1986.12. Frankfort KY, drainage problems, 1987 - 1990.13. U.S. AID, "Indo-Nepal Water Problems", Patna, India, 1992.II. TEACHING AND RELATED ACTIVITIES1. Courses Taught (only list from 1998) Year Sem. No. Title Cr. Enrollment 1998-99 1 CE 340 Hydraulics 4 1091 CE 597I Computational Hydraulics 3 62 CE 340 Hydraulics 4 711999-00 1 CE 549 Watershed Modeling 3 92 CE 340 Hydraulics 3 592000-01 1 CE 340 Hydraulics 3 801 CE 498 Senior Design 3 702 CE 542 Hydrology 3 152001-02 1 CE 440 Urban Hydraulics 3 151 CE 549 Watershed Modeling 3 122 CE 542 Hydrology 3 242002-03 1 CE 340 Hydraulics 3 802 CE 542 Hydrology 3 272003-04 1 CE 641 Statistical Hydrology 3 72 CE 542 Hydrology 3 222004-05 1 CE 349 Hydraulics 3 802 CE 542 Hydrology 3 24III. RESEARCH AND RELATED ACTIVITIESPUBLICATIONSI. BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS1. R.L. Kashyap and A.R. Rao, RUSSIAN Edition of "Dynamic Stochastic Models from Empirical Data" "HAYKA" publishers, Moscow, U.S.S.R., 1983.2. R.L. Kashyap and A.R. Rao, "Dynamic Stochastic Models from Empirical Data", Vol. 122 in the series, "Mathematics in Science and Engineering", Academic Press, New York, NY, 1976, 330 pp.3. A.R. Rao, "Stochastic Analysis of Thresholdsin Hydrologic Time Series", Chapter 9 in "Thresholds in Geomorphology", Ed. D.R. Coates and J.D. Vitek, George Allen and Unwin, Boston, 1980, pp. 179-209.4. J.W. Delleur and A.R. Rao, "Linear Systems Analysis in Hydrology - The Transform Approach, The Kernal Oscillations and the Effect of Noise", Paper No. 9 in "Systems Approach to Hydrology", Water Resources Publications, Fort Collins, CO, 1971, pp. 116-142.5. A.R. Rao and K.H. Hamed, "Flood Frequency Analysis”, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL., 350 pp. 1999.6. R.S. Govindaraju and A.R. Rao (eds.), "Artificial Neural Networks in Hydrology”, Vol. 36, Water Science and Technology Library, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Holland, 329 pp. 2000.7. A. R. Rao, "Surface Water Hydrology", Chapter 31, The Civil Engineering Handbook, pp. 31-1 - 31-29, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL., 2003.8. A.R. Rao, C.B. Burke and T.T. Burke, Jr., "Urban Drainage", Chapter 32, The Civil Engineering Handbook, pp. 31-1 – 32-12, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL., 2003.9. T.T. Burke, Jr., C.B. Burke and A.R. Rao, "Computer Simulation in Hydraulics and Hydrology", Chapter 38, The Civil Engineering Handbook, pp. 38-1 – 38-35, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL., 2003.10. A.R. Rao, K.H. Hamed, and H-L Chen, "Nonstationarities in Hydrologic and Environmental Time Series”, Klewer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Holland, 361 pp. 2003.11. A. R. Rao and V. V. Srinivas, A Book, "Regionalization of Watersheds – An Approach Based on Cluster Analysis”, (Expected 2006).12. A. R. Rao and En-ching Hsu, A Book, "Hilbert-Huang Transform Hydrologic and Climatic Series”, in preparation.

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