Handbook of Islamic Education
This Handbook traces and presents the fundamentals of Islam and their history and background, and provides a global and holistic, yet, detailed picture of Islamic education around the world. It introduces the reader to the roots and foundations of Islamic education; the responses of Islamic educational institutions to different changes from precolonial times, through the colonial era up to the contemporary situation. It discusses interactions between the state, state-run education and Islamic education, and explores the Islamic educational arrangements existing around the world. The book provides in-depth descriptions and analyses, as well as country case studies representing some 25 countries.The work reflects the recent series of changes and events with respect to Islam and Muslims that have occurred during the past decades. The globalization of Islam as a religion and an ideology, the migration of Muslims into new areas of the globe, and the increasingcontacts between Muslims and non-Muslims reinforce the need for mutual understanding. By presenting Islamic education around the world in a comprehensive work, this Handbook contributes to a deeper international understanding of its varieties.
Holger Daun is Professor of Comparative and International Education at Stockholm University, Sweden. He has been leading different research projects on globalization, education reform and parents´ educational strategies. He has published several books and a large number of book chapters and articles in scientific journals internationally. Mentioned could be made of Daun, H. and G. Walford (eds.) (2004) Muslim Educational Strategies in a Global Context. Brill Publishers; (2008) School Decentralization in the Context of Globalizing Governance: International Comparison of Grassroots Responses. Springer; Joseph Zajda and Holger Daun (eds.) (2012) Global Values Education: Teaching Democracy and Peace. Springer; and (2008) “Islam, Christianity and Secularism in European Education” in Journal of Policy Futures in Education.Reza Arjmand is a senior lecturer at Department of Sociology, Lund University, Sweden. Reza has conducted a number of studies and published severalbooks, articles and book chapters on Islamic education, education of Muslims at home and diaspora, everyday life of Muslims’ and Muslim urban life. Based on an empirical research, his latest book Public Urban Space, Gender and Segregation (Routledge 2016) studies the notion of space production and formation of the normative and ideologically-laden gender-segregated public spaces and its usage as an instrument for the Islamization of everyday life. In his most recent monograph, “Education of the Intimate: Sexuality and Education in Iran” Reza endeavours to explore methods of acquiring sexual knowledge among Iranian youth at the absence of an official sex education.