Foreign direct investments (II)
Our ever surviving obsession running our undertaking from its start ¿ i.e. previously to the basic study, published in 2019 and 2020 ¿ like a ¿red thread¿ is that one single scientific truth about foreign direct investments (FDI) vis-à-vis plenty of theories, models and empirical studies in which these ¿ actually, what is here called international directly invested capital ¿ are seen so differently acting in different countries and regions of the world. So, first, this must be about the whole world at once. Then, it simply must be about a number of countries/ entities for which all capital entries (FDI) equal all capital issues (directly investments abroad/DIA) and so the FDI stock balances of these countries make the null sum. Then, our previous and basic paper was for a comprehensive picture drawn about our world through the amounts of directly invested capital flows in work between nations. We found the uneven capitals distribution throughout the world ¿ i.e. obvious and the most obvious at the first sight --, accompanied by a curious trend of FDI and opposite DIA equalizing on each world country.
Liviu Catalin Andrei enseigne Économie de l¿Intégration à l¿École Nationale de Sciences Politiques et d¿Administation de Bucarest. La variante en anglais de ce livre vient d¿être publié. Quelques articles traitant sur le thème et livres comme Money and Market, Basic Economics, Fiat, versus Representative Money (II) tiennent du même auteur.