Flexible Optimal Operations of Energy Supply Networks
This book presents a systematic study consisting of modeling, simulation, and optimization of dynamic operations of energy supply networks with distributed generation (DG) and battery storage systems (BSSs). Based on complex power flow models, different optimization problems are mathematically formulated and solved. In addition, novel mathematical models and a new combined problem formulation for active-reactive optimal power flow (A-R-OPF) in passive distribution networks (PDNs) (without DG units and BSSs) and active distribution networks (ADNs) (with DG units and BSSs) are studied. Typically, distribution networks (DNs) consist of two different networks in terms of voltage levels, namely, low-voltage and medium-voltage DNs. For this reason, investigations are carried out separately on both networks. Modeling procedures for PDNs, ADNs, and energy prices are presented. These procedures serve as the basis for this work.
IEEE Member in 2012, received his M. Eng. degree from Aleppo University, Syria, in 2008, and the Ph.D. degree from Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany, in 2013. His research interests include power systems planning, analysis, operation, control, optimization techniques, artificial intelligence, and distributed generation and storage.