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Chapter 1 - WHY WE BECAME CURIOUS ABOUT FIRESTARTERS Some people start jobs; others start companies. Some wear clothes; others start trends. Some wish for power; others become world-class leaders. Some join a cause; others create movements. Some fan the flames; others spark the fire. We call these unique individuals Firestarters. They are the Innovators who create things, Instigators who disrupt things, and Initiators who start things. Together, they make the world a much better place. They are individuals who spark change globally and who are powerful forces in their local communities. Some focus on being leaders in established disciplines. Others break ground in new areas of discovery. Some use social ventures and nonprofits to improve the lives of others. Others build strong companies that change the world. So, who are these company-building, cause-creating, trend-starting,  influence-wielding renegades? They are athletes, writers, mothers, fathers, scientists, philosophers, business executives, entrepreneurs, politicians, doctors, inventors, teachers, and people from a multitude of other walks of life. All are Firestarters. Within ten minutes of talking with them, you can tell they are different than your average person. You discover that they inspire all of us to be just a little better than we are. How do Firestarters make such an impact? What makes them so different from anyone else? What can we learn from them so that we can become Firestarters ourselves? What is the difference between those who dream and those who do? We turned to multiple sources of wisdom for the answers. First, we examined the extensive research that is being conducted across disciplines in motivation and entrepreneurship. Second, we turned to the Firestarters themselves. We wanted to learn from the nuggets and themes that made up their unique stories and perspectives. Finally, we reviewed the lives of Firestarters throughout history. Because we are so passionate about this topic, we talked to and read about hundreds of people who start ventures, ignite communities, and further causes. We searched for elements that make up the Firestarter experience—Igniters that start the fire, Fuels that feed the fire, and Accelerants that spread the fire. We also examined Extinguishers, the elements that threaten the fire. WHY FIRESTARTERS? Why do we want to know how Firestarters ignite their lives and yours? Because so many people have dreams, yet so few are willing to take action. We need more Firestarters willing to make things happen. We want to find the secret sauce, learn the recipe, and pass that knowledge on to create a blazing fire across the globe. Without Firestarters, the world would still turn. However, economies would not thrive in quite the same way. Social reform would not happen as quickly. New frontiers would remain unexplored for longer periods of time. Over a billion people wouldn’t be connected on Facebook, and there wouldn’t be such a big deal over 140-character tweets. Your lifespan would likely be shorter by a few years, and it definitely would not be filled with as many modern wonders. In a world filled with complex and daunting problems, it would be wonderful to have a large army of Firestarters attacking challenges such as disease, hunger, poverty, violence, wildlife preservation, water and air quality, energy shortages, terrorism, racism, crimes against women, and the host of issues facing our communities and nations. What exactly does it take to become a Firestarter? In this book, we aim to peek into their brains, find the Firestarter switch, and teach you how to turn it on. The insights we share will enable you to ignite the movement inside your heart that is waiting for a spark. Here’s what we believe. There are characteristics that individuals possess that can be amplified in the right situations to help them on the road to becoming a Firestarter. For example, Firestarters exert freely chosen effort that is not undermined by persistent ridicule. Firestarters find their own drive and motivation from the effort expended, regardless of the outcome achieved. Accordingly, these individuals grow and become more resilient to potential setbacks. This book is not about personality per se as that is a less malleable construct. We believe that being a Firestarter is accessible to all. Do Firestarters have a certain DNA? We believe so, but not in the genetic sense. The factors that distinguish Firestarters are much more situational than genetic. The DNA of a Firestarter is found in the unique way in which an individual interacts with his/her environment rather than the unique way genes are arranged. Firestarters systematically seek out experience and learn from situations that reward them for high levels of productive effort. They perceive a high degree of control over their thoughts and actions and freely choose endeavors that allow them to capitalize on the type of effort that is most personally motivating. When the right combination of personal attitudes meets the right situation, they become individuals whose passion and motivation for excellence dwarf those of the typical person. The drive for excellence for the Firestarter is a lifestyle, not an outcome. Consequently, they tend to outpace and outachieve others in the long run, even those who possess an outcome-focused mindset. THREE EXAMPLES OF FIRESTARTERS As stated, we have talked to and read about hundreds of Firestarters since beginning this project. One of the first questions people ask us about Firestarters is, “Do you mean ‘entrepreneurs’?” The answer is yes and no. Entrepreneurs obviously make up a subset of Firestarters, but Firestarters are so much more. Here are three well-known names that epitomize what we call Firestarters and how we define Innovators, Instigators, and Initiators. Innovator Elon Musk revolutionized online payments leading to the establishment of PayPal. If that was not enough, he then founded Tesla, which has modernized the car industry by successfully putting some of the first cars not dependent on gasoline on the road. For most people, this level of innovation would be their life’s work; however, Musk was just getting started. His next venture was his most ambitious yet. Space X was created to take humans to Mars. Asked why he created Space X, Musk decisively answered, “[B]ecause if we can become an interplanetary species, the likelihood of humanity ever being wiped out by an extinction level event decreases significantly.” Mother Teresa is often known for her kindness, which is a stature she definitely earned. However, Mother Teresa was an Instigator and a missionary renegade. She was never shy to make her voice known to the powerful and elite in the world. She would call on them to recognize their guilt for the crime of poverty they created. She was slow to compromise and quick to fight for those without a voice. Mother Teresa built an organization with thousands of people running orphanages that cared for alcoholics, the blind, disabled, flood victims, and others considered the most vulnerable in society. After a person’s death, there is a normal five-year standard before a nomination for sainthood is given. In Mother Teresa’s case, this time frame was waived, and even her critics honored her for her accomplishments. John Adams, the second president of the United States, was the ultimate Initiator. Adams wasn’t known for his creativity but instead for his willingness to act and be first. He famously agreed to serve as lawyer for the British soldiers charged in the Boston Massacre out of fierce devotion to the principle of law. During the Continental Congresses, Adams was on more committees than anyone else—a staggering ninety, while chairing many of them.4 Adams even became the first president to live in the White House. Adams’s focus was on getting things done. PULLING BACK THE CURTAIN We’d like to take a few moments to tell you a bit about ourselves and how we came together on this project. It’s a good example of Firestarters at work. For several decades, each of us individually observed amazing people in action. Our own careers in social psychology, executive and CEO branding, entrepreneurship, and marketing put us in contact with Firestarters from all walks of life. Kathy Palokoff first fell in love with the term after founding several diverse businesses and social ventures, forging strong bonds with other highly successful women business owners, teaching in one of the world’s leading advertising programs, mentoring hundreds of entrepreneurs, and being inspired by her own adventure-seeking sons and daughters. While searching for a way to better define who she was and what she did, one of her mentors, Executive Coach Extraordinaire Bobbie Goheen, described Kathy as “a real firestarter.” That statement started her on her journey. A few years later, she received a phone call from Betty Hines, her Baltimore chapter chair of the Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO) stating that she was looking to bring in Raoul Davis, an external branding speaker for an upcoming meeting. Betty wanted to ensure this didn’t conflict with Kathy’s marketing business. After a high-energy dialogue, Kathy and Raoul decided to present a WPO session together, and Raoul became enthralled with Kathy’s description of Firestarters. Raoul remembered his own journey, when as a twenty-two-year-old vice president in student government, he asked a question to a speaker’s bureau based in Los Angeles that changed his life. He asked if the company Speakers Etcetera had any internships. They said no, but he asked them to “give him one anyway.” The answer eventually became yes. Raoul used an innovative sales model to become the top salesperson for the company by age twenty-four, despite only working fifteen hours per week while in college and graduate school. Raoul went on to launch an innovative speaker management company, which was one of a kind at the time, before repositioning the company as a personal branding firm and eventually the most integrated CEO branding firm in the world. His company has held this positioning since 2009 and recently became a founding member of the Forbes Agency Council for PR & Advertising. Raoul has also gone on to participate in White House forums on entrepreneurship and has been part of the innovative team at Three Squared, one of America’s leading companies revolutionizing the housing industry by building stronger walls utilizing shipping container materials. After working together and developing the initial concept of Firestarters, Kathy and Raoul realized there was something missing. While their practical knowledge served them well, both agreed layering in a more academic and research-based approach would complete the model. Raoul turned to his roommate from graduate school, Dr. Paul Eder. Paul was working for the Center for Organizational Excellence in the Washington, DC, area. Paul earned his PhD in social psychology and has spent years integrating academic research findings on motivation and performance in practitioner settings. As the three of us began to work together, we realized Kathy is an Initiator, Raoul is an Innovator, and Paul is an Instigator. Though all of us had experiences with each type in some situations, we definitely had defaults. Because our personal Firestarter experiences differed, our perspectives and ways of working together varied deeply. We developed a deep respect for each other and what each author brought to the table. The interviewees, the interpretations of the research, and the anecdotes discussed are a result of the three of us working, arguing, and laughing together as we integrated our life experiences and knowledge. HOW TO READ THIS BOOK We recommend reading Firestarters from top to bottom to understand concepts and the language we are using. However, you can also focus on individual sections. If you are curious as to whether or not you have Firestarter potential and if you are an Innovator, Instigator, or Initiator, you might want to take a quick jump to chapters 35 and 36. Two exercises presented in those chapters will provide some insights about yourself. In this book, we discuss different types of Firestarters as well as elements that influence them. We draw from historical and cultural anecdotes, as well as the multidisciplinary research to explore major theories and ideas about what makes Firestarters tick. We present unique and rich stories of inspiring individuals. In addition to giving you a look into their lives, we have designed their profiles to make it easier to understand their makeup as Firestarters. Selecting the Firestarters for inclusion in this book was not easy, but it was intentional. We sought examples of different ages, public recognition, genders, cultural backgrounds, industries, impact, and other factors because we wanted to show that Firestarters are everywhere. At the end of the book, we summarize our conclusions and recommendations. We have included advice on how to overcome threats and support the Firestarters in your life. We also explain why the world needs more Firestarters, how to make that happen, and the ripple effect they have through time. Finally, we offer several activities and exercises to help you ignite your lives in new ways. You will find concrete advice to enhance yourself as a Firestarter, guide you on your journey to become a Firestarter, and help you support the Firestarters in your life. And if you want even more, go to www.firestartersmedia.com. SPARK YOUR THINKING 1. Do you believe everyone has Firestarter potential? Why? 2. What do you think makes someone a Firestarter? 3. Who do you consider three of the top Firestarters in history? 4. Who do you consider the top three Firestarters who have inspired you personally? 5. Can you see yourself having Firestarter potential? Why?
Autor: Davis Jr, Raoul Eder, Paul Palokoff, Kathy
ISBN: 9781633883475
Sprache: Englisch
Produktart: Kartoniert / Broschiert
Verlag: Globe Pequot Press
Veröffentlicht: 09.01.2018
By Raoul Davis Jr.; Kathy Palokoff and Paul Eder