Factors limiting small business success
The aim of this study was to determine the factors that limit the growth/and or success of small businesses in Tanzania and to try and suggest solutions to these factors. Nine interviews were conducted which included six small business owners and three officials representing three organizations. The results obtained identified a number of limiting factors to small firm growth. The author saw it as a merit to group the results into two groups; limiting factors that are internal to the firm and those that are external to the firm.The author concludes by making following main recommendations; firstly a reform of the SME policy by the government, a search of an adequate business education by the small business community and trying to develop services and the maintenance of good relationships with small business owners by other stakeholders like the financial institutions.
Enock Nkonoki (Born 1987) is an entrepreneur and a business consultant specializing in the areas of marketing and entrepreneurship.He graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration from Arcada University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki, Finland in 2010.He currently lives in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.