Digital Imaging Primer
Digital Imaging targets everyyone with an interest in digital imaging, be they professional or private, who uses even quite modest equipment such as a PC, digital camera and scanner, a graphics editor such as Paint, and an inkjet printer. Uniquely, it is intended to fill the gap between highly technical texts for academics (with access to expensive equipment) and superficial introductions for amateurs. The four-part treatment spans theory, technology, programs and practice. Theory covers integer arithmetic, additive and subtractive color, greyscales, computational geometry, and a new presentation of discrete Fourier analysis; Technology considers bitmap file structures, scanners, digital cameras, graphic editors, and inkjet printers; Programs develops several processing tools for use in conjunction with a standard Paint graphics editor and supplementary processing tools; Practice discusses 1-bit, greyscale, 4-bit, 8-bit, and 24-bit images for the practice section. Relevant QBASIC code is supplied an accompanying CD and algorithms are listed in the appendix. Readers can attain a level of understanding and the practical insights to obtain optimal use and satisfaction from even the most basic digital-imaging equipment.
Alan George ParkinBorn 1934, King's Lynn, Norfolk.Educated Stamford School, Lincs, and Peterhouse, Cambridge. BA Moral Sciences Tripos 1958.First prize, Sanderson Centenary competition for wallpaper and textile design, 1958.Italian Government travel scholarship, 1958-9Production Editor, Architects' Journal, London, 1959-60Student, Alan Davie's painting classes, Central School of Art, London, 1960Assistant to F H K Henrion, Henrion Design Associates, London, 1961-1970. Corporate image for KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, BEA British European Airways, Blue Circle cement, Tate and Lyle sugar, etc. Co-author with FHK Henrion, Design Coordination and Corporate Image (Studio Vista/Reinhold 1967).Private studies in computer graphics, NCR-ELLiott Computer Workshops, London, 1966-8.Exhibitor, Cybernetic Serendipity, ICA, London, 1968.Post-graduate tutor, Central School of Art, London, 1969-70.Programmer, Doxiadis Associates Computer Centre, Athens, 1971-2. Algol and Fortran programs for mapping, typesetting, and computer graphics.Systems analyst, Computer Techniques International, Athens, 1972-83. Commercial data processing systems for Credit Bank, Titan Cement, Citibank Middle East and North Africa, Kuwait Finance House, Bank of Bahrain and Kuwait, etc.Director and systems architect, Computer Techniques International, subsequently Template Health Systems, London, 1983-present.Semi-retired since 1999.Married, two children.Lives in London and Isle of Hydra, Greece
Digital Imaging targets anyone with an interest in digital imaging, professional or private, who uses even quite modest equipment such as a PC, digital camera and scanner, a graphics editor such as PAINT, and an inkjet printer. Uniquely, it is intended to fill the gap between the highly technical texts for academics (with access to expensive equipment), and the superficial introductions for amateurs. The four-part treatment spans theory, technology, programs and practice. Theory covers integer arithmetic, additive and subtractive color, greyscales, computational geometry, and a new presentation of discrete Fourier analysis; Technology considers bitmap file structures, scanners, digital cameras, graphic editors, and inkjet printers; Programs develops several processing tools for use in conjunction with a standard Paint graphics editor and supplementary processing tools; Practice discusses 1-bit, greyscale, 4-bit, 8-bit, and 24-bit images for the practice section. Relevant QBASIC code is supplied an accompanying CD and algorithms are listed in the appendix. Readers can attain a level of understanding and the practical insights to obtain optimal use and satisfaction from even the most basic digital-imaging equipment.