This is I. This is he. This is the miserable one, son of the miserable man and miserable woman. Son of your water and fire. I came from you, from nothingness, from one of your old poems, I came. I came from the imagination to return it to you and to carve your name, in stone like all the other parts of this wasteland. I asked a mule about its father and it said to me: My uncle is a horse. Then it disappeared. I asked a girl about her father. She became shy and she said: Perhaps it is you, and then she slipped into the fog. I asked a lark that was whispering to its mother about its mother. It approached and said: Perhaps she is you, so please carry me. And it slept in my hand. I asked myself: Who am I? The nocturnal echo around me responded: Who am I? This is I. This is he. This is all of my imagination.
Autor: | Dorantes Dolores |
ISBN: | 9781950268566 |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Produktart: | Kartoniert / Broschiert |
Verlag: | Ingram Publishers Services |
Veröffentlicht: | 05.04.2022 |
Schlagworte: | POETRY / American / Hispanic & Latino POETRY / Subjects & Themes / Death, Grief, Loss POETRY / Subjects & Themes / Places |
Dolores Dorantes is an Acharya in the Buddhist tradition, a journalist, writer, therapist, poet, performer, and sacred animal. She is a Mexican born in the mountains of Veracruz in 1973 but raised in Ciudad Juarez. Recent books translated into English are The River, a collaboration with the artist Zoe Leonard, and Style. Her socio-cultural writings and political-social reflections, along with the majority of her books, are part of the commons at She believes in a United Latin America. Robin Myers is a translator and poet. She writes a monthly column for Palette Poetry and lives in Mexico City.