Banking is a delicate business and bank managers require proper guidance to keep both their jobs and the business. In recent business history and culminating in the global banking crisis, many banks failed because of lack of requisite knowledge and competence on the part of bank managers and directors. Qualifications of directors and managers are essential ingredients for bank management success. Specifically a bank director or manager must be a person of sound mind and must not have been previously convicted of a criminal offence, must not be a discharged creditor, must not have attained an age above seventy and must hold required qualification shares, among others. The Companies and Allied Matters Act (1990) as amended, specifies the tenure of directors. However, bank directors often retire by rotation on a yearly basis.
Comptable, gestionnaire professionnel et professeur de gestion à l'université Rhema, au Nigeria. Ses recherches portent sur les affaires, la gestion, la gouvernance, le leadership et l'intelligence émotionnelle. Il est reconnu pour avoir présenté la première meilleure thèse de doctorat en gestion à la faculté d'administration des affaires de l'université d'État d'Imo, à Owerri, au Nigeria.