China's projected image - A structured, focused comparison in the United States of America
Master's Thesis from the year 2011 in the subject Politics - Political systems in general and in comparison, grade: VG, Uppsala University (Department of Peace and Conflict Research), course: Political Science - Diplomacy, language: English, abstract: This study provides an examination about Chinäs projected image and explores how China implements various concepts and channels for image building activities. It also displays the reasons and motivation points of image projection as a national policy. This national policy gives a reference to Chinese grand strategy which is embodied in Chinese Soft Power. Bearing this in mind; the study provides an explanation about the sources of projected image. In order to follow the right track, the study primarily establishes an internal examination within China thereafter it explores the projection process within the U.S case. This approach enables to understand the changing U.S views of China and also pursues to find the dynamics of U.S public perception. In regards to the analysis; the study examines the Chinese efforts which try to build a favourable image in the minds of Americans. This process leads the study to explore the tools for the projected adjustment. It displays that; which implementations took place to affect the U.S society. Furthermore, the study gives the reasons of Chinese PR and PD engagements which indicate the possible rewards for Chinese Power. This dimension targets to re-design the public perceptions which are also embodied in Beijing¿s charm offensive. Thus China aims to fill the gap between her comprehensive power capacity and the concept of soft power.