Britannia (Eagles of the Empire 14)
A thrilling, action-packed adventure featuring Roman Army heroes Prefect Cato and Centurion Macro. As they tramp the hillsides of western Britannia dreaming of their eventual return to Rome, the officers face daily threats that will test their courage to the full as they fight to protect their men and the Empire. Includes maps and charts.
Simon Scarrow is a Sunday Times No. 1 bestselling author. His successful books - which have sold over 5 million copies - include his Eagles of the Empire novels featuring Roman soldiers Macro and Cato, most recently THE EMPEROR'S EXILE, TRAITORS OF ROME and THE BLOOD OF ROME, as well as BLACKOUT, a bestselling World War 11 thriller, and many more. He lives in Norfolk with his wife. and on Facebook /officialsimonscarrow and Twitter @SimonScarrow