Analog Circuit Design
This book contains the revised contributions of 18 tutorial speakers at the seventh AACD '98 in Copenhagen, April 28-30, 1998. The conference was organized by OIe Olesen, ofthe Technical University of Denmark. The pro gram committee consisted of Johan H. Huijsing from Delft University ofTechnology, The Netherlands, Willy Samsen from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium and Rudy J. van de Plassche, Philips Research, The Netherlands. The pro gram was concentrated around three important topics in analog circuit design. Each of these three topics has been covered by six papers. Each of the three chapters of this book contains the six papers of one topic. The three topics are: I-Volt Electronics Design and implementation ofMixed Modes Systems. Low-Noise and RF power Amplifies for the communication. Other topics, which have been covered in this series before are: 1992 OpAmps ADC's AnalogCAD. 1993 Mixed-Mode AlD design Sensor Interfaces Communication circuits. 1994 Low-Power low-Voltage Integrated Filters Smart Power. 1995 Low-Noise, Low-Power, Low-Voltage Mixed Mode with CAD Tirals Voltage, Current and Time References. vii viii 1996 RF CMOS circuit design BandpassSigma Delta and other Converters Translinear circuits. 1997 RF A-D Converters Sensor and Actuator Interfaces Low-noise Oscillators, PLL's and and Synthesizers. We hope to serve the analog design community with these series of books and plan to continue this series in the future.
Concentrates on three topics: Volt Electronics; Design and Implementation of Mixed-Mode Systems; and, Low-Noise and RF Power Amplifiers for Telecommunication. This book covers the techniques for 1-Volt electronics. It deals with the various problems that are encountered in mixed analog-digital design. It also focuses on telecommunications systems.