An Integrated Software Test Process Framework
Software testing is an important phase for quality software development. It constitutes up to 50 percent of the software development time and cost. Although huge amount is invested on software development and software testing is mandatory, most software testing lack formalized processes with the real power and flexibility necessary to adequately test software systems. This is one of the outstanding issues that need to be further explored. In addition, by considering the criticality of software testing and the significant time, effort and cost required, an integrated framework needs to be developed to determine what constitutes an ideal and effective test process in order to ensure quality software product given a resource constrained environment. Although prior studies identified different challenges and proposed solutions, none of them have dealt with developing software testing framework that can guide software testers towards conducting effective and efficient software testing process in a resource constrained environment.
Shimelis Tamiru Duressa, é um filho de uma pequena família de proprietários. Ele tem BSc e MSc em Ciência da Computação. Actualmente trabalha como Escrivão e Docente Universitário na Universidade de St.Mary's, Adis Abeba, Etiópia.