Alpha Male Dating. The Essential Playbook. Single ¿ Engaged ¿ Married (If You Want). Love Hypnosis, Law of Attraction, Art of Seduction, Intimacy in Bed. Attract Women as an Irresistible Alpha Man
There's no reason in the world why you can't have that fine woman on the other side of the room. NO REASON! If you were aware of her body language and had you been prepared mentally, you'd know exactly how to seduce her... If you had read Alpha Male Dating, you wouldn't be across the room right now, not way over there, staring at her like an imbecile. You'd know exactly what to do and you'd have all the confidence to turn a lonely night into an exciting evening or a long-term relationship. No woman is too good for you. You've watched her, observed her moves, and know exactly what to do. Now she's in your sights. What's more, she's unaware that you're about to sweep her off her feet. You know all these things because you've been reading her body language, and you're aware she's into you because you've been reading her like a book. Inside: - There's no mystery how you're going to make initial contact, scoop her up and take her to the night of her dreams. - You carry yourself like a man, like an Alpha Male, confident, assured, with purpose. - There's no stutter step or miscue. She's simply astonished at how you came into her presence and maneuvered your way expertly into her full attention. - You speak eloquently and you're respectful through and through. - You're dressed well, full of interesting things to say. - She's never met a man like you, a man who listens with intent and responds smartly. - Moreover, you're respectful, know your boundaries and you know how to keep her attention. You're irresistible. - You know all this because you know the Law of Attraction and Love Hypnosis. That's how you were able to sweep her off her feet then and now that you've been dating, she still can't get enough of you. All this because you read this essential playbook on dating and you are fully aware of how to keep your relationship and take it to the next level; marriage …if you want. Your relationship is full of confidence and awareness of her. She couldn't have been luckier that night when you walked across the room and into her life. You've done all this because you know how an Alpha Male builds a relationship. You know all this because you know her interests and nobody makes her feel more like a queen than her king, you. But you didn't do this by being an Alpha bully, you did all this by being aware and knowing how to compromise without ever compromising yourself. Because you read this playbook, you know how to take your dating game to the home game that is never dull or without passion. - You're her King and you make her feel like a Queen. - You're not jealous, but confident, always. - You're passionate but you don't overwhelm her. - You know exactly how to touch her, reach her hot spots and after years of being together, making love to you is always fresh, fun, and new. This is how an Alpha Male dates and builds his game into a long-term relationship, if he chooses, with confidence. You know what you want. You know how to get it. You know because you've read Alpha Male Dating! Don't Hesitate! Become the magnetic, infallible Man you were meant to be, Today!
Autor: | Wayne, Sean |
ISBN: | 9798201369910 |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Produktart: | Kartoniert / Broschiert |
Verlag: | Sean Wayne |
Veröffentlicht: | 08.05.2021 |
Sean Wayne es un hombre hecho a síiacute; mismo, graduado en Relaciones Internacionales y Ciencias Diplomáaacute;ticas. Él sabe exactamente de lo que está hablando debido a sus intensos estudios y habilidades en relaciones de todo tipo. Él es una autoridad en el desarrollo de la personalidad porque para éeacute;l, el trabajo, el bienestar, la riqueza y las relaciones amorosas no son sóoacute;lo una ciencia exacta, sino también un arte noble. Ayudar a la gente a alcanzar el siguiente nivel de ser un hombre le importa profundamente porque lo que estás a punto de aprender ha ayudado a muchos hombres a ganarse la confianza para ir tras lo que quieren. Sean es la persona perfecta para escribir este libro ya que, gracias a la experiencia de su padre como psiquiatra notable y sus propias habilidades psicofísicas, se ha convertido en un talento, y más tarde gurúuacute;, de psicológica manipulación, persuasión, y por lo tanto... de las relaciones. Su objetivo detráaacute;s de la escritura es simplemente transformar a cualquier persona de cualquier origen, educacióoacute;n social y creencias personales en un macho 100% alfa, izquierda, derecha y centro. Y quéeacute; mejor manera de hacer esto que entrar en la psicologíiacute;a, los hábitos, el lenguaje verbal y no verbal, el carisma, la autoestima, la visión y la fuerte tenacidad presentes en los hombres que lo poseen todo y son presentados como una verdadera autoridad cuando se trata de ser apasionado y entusiasta en todas las materias. Tenga la total seguridad de que usted también puede ser un MACHO ALFA. Sin mierda, sin artificios; sólo con hechos puros y duros de los que tal vez nunca te hayas dado cuenta hasta que cogiste este libro. Por encima de todo, el objetivo de Sean Wayne mientras te deja entrar en esta Biblia llena de secretos y estrategias es simplemente dejarte alcanzar el pináaacute;culo de tu potencial como Hombre. Su amor por el tema y su disposicióoacute;n a compartirlo con cualquiera que pueda beneficiarse de esto es una prueba de sus muchos deseos de que todos resuelvan sus profundos dolores y carencias, y tengan la oportunidad de lograr finalmente el placer absoluto con el que úuacute;nicamente sólo podíiacute;an soñntilde;ar. Viviendo la realidad de un verdadero MACHO ALFA.