A Novel Stemming Algorithm for Albanian
This book deals with the design and building a stemming algorithm for the Albanian language and than using it to classify a corpus of documents. The work is based on research on stemming algorithms of other languages and the morphology of Albanian. Text Mining is a knowledge-intensive technique that is used to interact with a collection of documents by employing a set of analysis tools. Data/Text Mining (data can be text) is becoming a very useful process today for gathering information based on stored data. The most useful fields where data mining helps most are medicine, banking, finance, marketing, spam filtering etc. A stemming algorithm is a procedure that removes the suffixes from the words providing the root (stem) of the words. Stemming is needed in search engines to reduce the number of words with the same stem giving a reduced number of indexes. This book represents a first set of rules for Albanian that will be used in a stemming algorithm and for the first time, a list of stopwords of Albanian will be represented.
Jetmir received M.Sc. in Computer Sience in 2011 at University of New York Tirana and B.Sc. in Computer Engineering in 2009 at Polytechnic University of Tirana. His interest focuses on Data Mining and Stemming Algorithms. He is working as IT Specialist at Societe Generale Albania Bank and has also worked as IT Consultant at Ministry of Education.